Thursday, March 22, 2007


okay. 3 words. i felt bored. anw, so i went on a lost avatar frenzy. i like these 3. actually i like others too but i can talk about these 3. =)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket right. to start off. nice and basic. though since its animated i cant use this as my msn pic

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket i THINK im going to use this though its the wrong "your"

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket hahaha. sawyer looks super spastic here. unlike his usual self. he's ususally seen smirking.

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:10 PM

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

argh. the post I was working on got deleted cos I CLOSED the freaking window. pfft. super pissing off. anw, gist of it was that ive finished reading in hiding AND on the road (the skate fanfics ive been addicted to for the past week or so) it ROCKS. i gave up reading “a felon and a con man” cos I don’t think its THAT good. nothing can beat IH & OTR. reading ‘Drawn Together’ now, yet ANOTHER skate fanfic. I want more kyro ones but its kinda limited. Im too lazy to put up the links for my youtube vids that we took when we were at bukit timah nature reserve. i might put it up later. depends on my mood.

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:58 PM

Monday, March 19, 2007

omgomgomg. SERENE CAI. You IDIOT. Why did you HAVE to announce to the WHOLE band that I have the hots for sawyer. ok fine. my whole section knows already plus you, plus jiahui plus (I think) zhao, karyn & amanda but STILL. what if next time I tell you something that isn’t MEANT TO BE TOLD and you BLURT it out. i’ll kill you. i swear. its not a matter of telling the whole band that I like sawyer it’s the matter of that you announced something to the WHOLE WORLD. i’m actually okay with the fact that you blared it out. truth be told, im rather nonchalant/neutral/ “bo chap” abt the whole thing. imagine if im alex. i think I’ll be HATING serene’s guts by now. haha. luckily, im NOT alex. i should have shrieked back that serene’s in LOVE with johari. was too busy hissing at jiahui (who btw did NOTHING but sit there like the blur pok she is) to shut serene up. i think im done complaining now.

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:59 PM

maybe next time I DON’T tell her who I like. but heck, everyone knows that’s NOT going to happen cos the whole world KNOWS what a big mouth I have. a good example. Percs section. the sec2s were telling me today of how normal their talking level used to be, at least until I came. after I showed up, apparently the whole section became rowdy. note that during the last TWO band camps, the percs table is usually the one making the most noise.

Im done. I wanna read fanfic now/look for my shows online to watch
Oh wait. I just realized that my post WASN’T wiped out. its below this. heehee

Posted by girlosophy; at 11:20 AM

Sunday, March 18, 2007

im in a GOOD mood. i finished reading in hiding & on the road. FINALLY. so now i wont be so addicted to fanfic. until i find another skate/kyro fanfic to occupy my time. im now reading a skate fanfic just for the hell of it. its not AS good as the previous ones of skate that ive read (the ones i read were sequels) the good thing abt it though is that its not AS explicit as the other 2. get the hint? but after reading them im even MORE convinced that they should be together. there should be NO existence of jate (jack & kate) at ALL. btw, just watch phantom of the opera. it ROCKS man. super drama. =) cant wait to see how the chandelier falls at the esplanade.

vids from bukit timah nature reserve; geog proj
lost in the jungle

the others are coming

there's one more but i havent uploaded yet. so til next time then

Posted by girlosophy; at 7:01 PM

Thursday, March 15, 2007


  1. during madrigalum, i played my cymbals wrongly at bar 10 or something like that and said SHIT super loudly that practically the whole band could hear. and the good thing was that they started laughing. what can i say. percs are COMIC RELIEF. we provide entertainment
  2. i was wearing my PURPLE peerleading shirt then it had the words "call me" in front. so when mr yap saw it during band prac, he went "brenda, can i have your number? call me." i was like ERRR and nearly dropped the cymbals la. i bet i was gapping with my mouth WIDE open while the cogs in my brain were like trying to absorb & understand what the hell was going on la. i only got it when jeanette started pointing to my shirt -.- note: it was too early in the morning to think

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:39 PM

li>when we attempted night safari, my bass drum beat was like a bit off from mr yap's so he said to look at the stick and after an afterthought, added "who's your favourite actor" and paused. (as if i would answer him la. i think i would have said i have none) i bet after i went er er and er once more he was like nvm la. so he went on "pretend the face is stuck to the stick" omg. then i looked over to the flutes and saw dear serene bent over with laughter (note: it's not lancelot anymore, i prefer sawyer now) and jiahui was like mouthing "sawyer" and i nodded back trying not to laugh la. omg. that was like my FIRST reaction when mr yap asked me that. like the name sawyer just popped into my head. luckily im not stupid enough to answer him.

    and HA.HA.HA. yanny likes MATURE men. we just found out today and i cant believe jiahui believed me when i told her the toilet was leaking. when she was inside, i threw water into the cubicle. blur and gullible thats what its called.

    Posted by girlosophy; at 4:50 PM

    Wednesday, March 14, 2007

    i forgot ALL about this. i cant believe it. ive been wanting to put this up for a long time. (ps. ive given up on the obs pics cos its just too many)


    kyro (kitty pryde & pyro, xmen)
    The Difference Between
    The Boy Who Destroyed The World
    Make This Last

    note: Make This Last is the sequel to The Boy Who Destroyed The World. it's not completed but good to read all the same. my fave is the difference between

    skate (sawyer & kate; lost)
    Of Love and Shadow
    In Hiding
    On The Road

    note: On The Road is the sequel to In Hiding. all stories are completed. my fave is of love and shadow.

    happy reading

    Posted by girlosophy; at 11:37 AM

    hello people. im BACK from band camp. i must say i expected it to be way tougher than i thought it was but it was okay. (except when jasmine came back when we were having sectionals on day2 and scared to crap out of us) omg and that stupid thing abt what u want to achieve during this band camp thing. we HAD to put down be masters of rhythm and to learn 5 rudiments. we had those words thrown back in our faces countless times by kelly la. though the band kept laughing at it and face it, the perc section was comic relief. plus all the sec3s didnt bother bathing on day1 cos it was like only 1 day. after obs, not bathing for 1 day doesnt seem that bad. oooh. night activity. ha. elyn was saying how relaxed i looked during the thing cos we were led around the school blindfolded and i was like slouching against the wall and talking to her as compared to jeanette who was gripping yanny's shoulders super tightly. HAHA. note: i go down the stairs with no light every night so going down stairs blindfolded is no prob. i have TRAINED my feet to help me go down the stairs light-less. =) btw, we're still trying to figure out who was the polka-dotted person beatrice did the thing errr... ok. u know when u make a 'two' with your fingers u stick up ur indes & middle figure and the rest are like touching in the middle? the super cheenah thing? ya, well she did that and we're trying to figure out who that was.

    Posted by girlosophy; at 11:16 AM

    Tuesday, March 13, 2007

    continued from the above post

    haha and she cried while eating chilli. pfft. we also taught the scholars how to play uno during section bonding on day 2. HA. we played for an hour and beatrice, elyn & mariam still hadnt gamed. it only ended when beatrice finally gamed and then she made us go do sectionals.
    -.- and we found out that she's quite whiny & miss ng said she just realised that beatrice could be a fierce person. miss ng taught us some tikataka or whatever it's called. i hope we never do that again.

    argh. i forgot everything else that happened. once again, my memory's failing me

    Posted by girlosophy; at 11:36 AM

    Saturday, March 10, 2007

    YAY. i finally got the vid that i took during obs up and loaded. i think wangxun & anastasia are super cute here. ENJOY. i'll be trying to get some more vids during band camp or the exchange on thurs.

    Posted by girlosophy; at 9:00 PM

    omg. (i realise i start my posts with omg a lot recently) anw, elyn's got a SAWYER shirt that i want. jiahui wants it too. it says i'd love to get lost with sawyer. get the pun? (sawyer's a character from a show called lost in case some ppl dont know) she's going to bring it to camp on monday & jiahui and i are going to steal it. (evil laughter) wahaha. and im going to bring my cam too. =) i sense another photo frenzy coming along. yupps. so we're planning on going to hereen in the morning of the day of the sji exchange (thurs) to buy the shirts. i CANT rmb the store name. pfft. my memory's failing me.

    Posted by girlosophy; at 10:08 AM

    Thursday, March 08, 2007

    ok. im STILL reading the boy who destroyed the world. its 29 chapters long la. though i must say that i still prefer the difference between. anw, here's the poem that shayne wanted. she made me write it after she saw my obs reflections (which was also a poem)

    sec 3 had started, our seats assigned,
    we sat together, our fates aligned
    a spas, a weirdo, she was it all
    blur as heck, shed bang into a wall
    3cm taller, though not much
    her person was screwed with an egoistic touch
    unblessed in math, that's what she was
    at every question, she'd think and pause
    yet how her essays were good, i'll never know
    just to pass her maths she'd beam and glow
    poems to mei-e that's what she wrote
    to shereen it was drawings and a note
    what she recently did was dig her own grave,
    when she tried to make contact with the boey she craved
    what happened was she fell flat on her face
    and toppled from fame to deep disgrace

    Posted by girlosophy; at 3:09 PM

    Wednesday, March 07, 2007

    and til this day i wait to see
    what spastic creature she'll come to be
    is she irritating, no, no, no
    she's the spastic, the weird,
    the one and only shayne goh

    Posted by girlosophy; at 7:41 PM

    and til this day i wait to see
    what spastic creature she'll come to be
    is she irritating, no, no, no
    she's the spastic, the weird,
    the one and only shayne goh

    Posted by girlosophy; at 7:41 PM

    omgomgomg. i had sports heats today. i ran 200m & came in fourth. i know it doesnt SOUND very good but let's first consider WHO i was up against. denyse, emily & carey (sec4 swimmer) anw, (im going to sound ego now) ppl told me i ran fast so that's good enough. anw, i've read THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN yesterday upon ying's recommendation and it ROCKS. reading the boy who destroyed the world now. it'll takr me a couple of days to finish but heck. at least it gives me SOMETHING to do since i cant watch tv on weekdays from now on. note: its fanfic about xmen, kyro specifically. [kyro=kitty+pyro]

    oooh. i found these too. pretty pretty trinkets. i want some but i dont think i can order them. note. the glassbead is a creation of one of our own sc girls. yay. so cool la.


    you'll love them.
    obs pics coming soon!!!

    Posted by girlosophy; at 5:40 PM

    Tuesday, March 06, 2007

    ok. fine. im going to blog about obs first THEN put the pics cos they're taking forever to load into photobucket

    got to pulau ubin by bus & boat & sorted into RALEIGH. me sarah phua & serene were sitting in the front together & were giving nicknames to the instructors to pass our time. i still rmb some of the names. kang kang (elyn's instructor who had hair like phua chu kang, hence the nickname kangkang) there was a g-cube gross gay guy and a j2. i think it was like johari 2 or something. there was ras (raffles shark who turned out to be MY instructor) and SMG. sexy married guy. the one that sarah LOVES. -.- dotdotdot. my group was me, sarah, alex, nat sim, nat ng, geklynn, ting fang, wang xun, anastasia, lynn, jeannette, danielle chen, amanda toh, abigail, tammie & beverly. its like all se sy & 1 dg. =) by the time we were finished it was like afternoon so we had lunch of apples & buns. plus we went kayaking. alex & nat were like so stupid la. they kept going the wrong direction and we saw a jellyfish when we did the floating thing. and cornell kept screaming at the jellyfish to scare us and we kept screaming too. spent the rest of the day doing admin stuff which was seriously BORING and we had like burnt rice (thanks to wx who added too much water into the pot), sardines, tuna & baked beans for dinner. tent group of my sarah alex & nat sim. oooh. and i was telling sarah abt pirates of caribbean 2 cos she has NEVER watched it. alex & nat were adding to the parts i forgot & we were all saying how ew it would be if elizabeth went with jack when will is way WAY better than jack who's like practically half gay. -.- fell aslp to mei-e/shereen/sasha/roxanne talking about wild boars. stupid la

    we went trekking in the stupid jungle today. i swear that the bags were like 20kg and it took us like 10 minutes to travel 300m. then stupid stupid lum made us go back to the campsite cos he forgot something and then we had to tramp back to the 300m mark where we previously stopped. not to mention while trekking to camp 1, we got lost and took a seriously LONG route so in the end lum told us where to go la. so we pitched our tents in the stuper ULU place and ate lunch (i think) then we had to build the stupid raft which didnt pass the test though we DID jump into the quarry and that was our bath for the day. oooh. forgot to mention. when we were walking to the place to build the raft, me & nat were making fun of ying cos we said she looked like a boy from the back & side cos of her hat. pfft. the quarry was my fave part of camp la. besides all the bonding and talking we had. =) and poor poor wangxun lost her glasses wqhen she jumped into the quarry. (throughout the rest of the time whenever someone asked her where her glasses were, she said they were slping at the bottom of the lake. so cute right?) oh and she didnt want to go in at first cos she thot lum was serious when he said that there were dead bodies ar the bottom of the quarry. right. so then we went back, pitcts properly and had dinner. maggie mee with seasoning & sausages. the sausages ROCKED. right. oooh. then like a bunch of us(me aly crystal alex ying sarah nat) sat on the tarp after dinner and talked for like an hour after the instructions that ew were given for day 3. i finished telling sarah the whole story of poc and then i told aly that shayne knows samuel lim and she kinda freaked out. her voice went all squeaky (haha. so cute la), esp when i told her that they were both from rosyth. she thot he was from some cheenah school la. (he looks the type) so then me & ying spent majority of the time talking abt BAD BOYS (which we love) with aly joining in for like the 2nd half of the conversation. i never knew she was THAT boy crazy. i still dont see why she likes the pink shirt guy from let it shine (previous 7o clock chinese show). situ bi is way better la. and pyro ROCKS la. (xmen 3) and she is super DESPO. she told me and aly that she went for this tuition and then this hot guy sat opposite her and she kept staring at him la. super funny. aly and i were like bent over from laughing so hard. and we were going on abt how hot latino accents are(i was kinda refering to the spanish rap in boogie wonderland fromm happy feet and like latino guys from shows like cruz from coach carter). this was the part where sarah came into the conversation cos she FINALLY realised that we were talking abt her fave subject. then stupid ying kept going to her tent & coming back cos she didnt want to slp alone. right. enough abt that. then abbie & jeannette slept in our tent cos theirs was infested with ants and with 6 ppl in the tent it was super stuffy. so around 10 something (i think) we went out and sat at the magellen tarp with the sentries and then moved to our own at like 1030. then alex came later when we were half aslp (i was aslp alr.) and then she like lifted my sleeve or something and she said i slapped her face. i thot it was a mosquito la. omg. haha. anw, then about 1140 the stupid karoke from johor came blaring over at us like. it was abt 1km away and the indian/malay music was so irritating plus it was techno & the guy singing was tone DEAF i tell u. i thot it was the monastery at first cos the front part sounding like chanting. -.- so anw, the 5 of us who came out of the tent at first went back INTO the tent cos 1. it was getting cold 2. the music & singing was pissing us off. so we TRIED to wake dear alex who went back to slp despite the horrible racket. we spent like 5 minutes calling her name and gave up so we told katrina & felice who were sitting there to tell alex that we were in our tent. btw, i found out that kat kicked alex and no reaction from our slping beauty. ANW, so alex apparently woke up in the middle of the night to wild dogs howling and scurried back into the tent. note. kat & felice had returned to their tents. HAHA.

    went trekking back to camp 2 and then to camp 1. made up a HUGE improvement from the previous day. we pitched our tents behind that blue structure outside the actual campsite with all the buildings and what not. we were with raffles though we were hoping to have nina utama with us instead. then we did the trust fall thing and the belay. lunch was GREAT. it was the first decent hot meal we had and the drinks were good cos they were COLD & SWEET. then we did the vertical challenge next. it was the logs thing la. omgomgomg. me & sarah we seriously scared stiff la. thankfully we got the smaller logs. =) the pairs were me & sarah, jeannette & abbie, danielle & amanda, wangxun & anastasia. jeannette & amanda couldnt like make it to the toip cos their fear of heights is like really bad so danielle & abbie partnered each other when everyone else was done & made it to the top. they sat at the 6th log laughing & talking la. laugh so hard until the logs sway. stupid spastic ppl. and tingfang & geklynn were the ONLY ppl in our grp to do the big ones. and i did the vertical challenge with the net too. erm. then we went to shower & we spent like an HOUR inside the toilet waiting. i spent all my time talking to laura serene & a bit of mao. haha. dinner ROCKED too. it was HOT food and it was raining. btw, we spent all our time PRAYING that it would rain so that we didnt need to slp in our tents. we were practically crying when it stopped raining la. tammie & i contemplated going to slp in the toilet and we told nat who looked like she wanted to cause an uprising and have our whole grp slp in the toilet which would be way dryer than our tents. ANW, we ended up slping in the MPH though it was still super cold but at LEAST it was DRY. then nat alex & sarah wanted to slp early so i went over to da gama to talk til magellen came then i went over there where i slept on shereen's stomach (it was super comfy la.) i went back to my grp later and woke up after an hour. me nat & sarah went huddling in the corner (alex was slping soundly AGAIN) and ended up slping with mei-e's grp cos they were in the middle and it was warmer.

    went kayaking. that was basically it. and in the middle of the night one of the dogs rummaged through our things so our food was like half gone & strewn everywhere. so kayaking was fun. sarah & i managed to stay near the front though our boat was like attracted to roxanne & mei-e's boat cos we kept banging into them for no apparent reason. & we couldnt stand SOME ppl screaming at us to keep to the left of them when they were supposed to be on OUR left. stupid la. oooh. and we peed in the ocean. that was BEFORE we found out that the water was infested with jellyfish. plus a fish jumped into yunqi's kayak and she didnt notice -.- fish jumped over ours too but they just hopped over. if it jumped it, i would have capsized the boat. so we paddled back to camp 2 and me & sarah, mei-e & roxanne, eryn & karina & subha hung around til we were the last few left in the sea cos we didnt want to carry everyone's kayaks. so SMART right? then me & sarah tried to flood mei-e's kayak and we played with the jellyfish that one of the instructors caught. then we had to bring all the stuff back to camp, keep & wash the equipment & then eat dinner (maggie mee & cream of chicken plus mushrooms & sausages) i spent loads of time taking pics & we had to slp in the place opposite the kayak racks. halfway through the night i woke up and talked to karyn then to alex when karyn went back to slp & we kept laughing at aly who was running in her slp. later, nat woke up & me aly alex & nat went to the toilet where we went to slp. we found charm phua & lynn there. aly & alex left early so me & nat hung around and slept on the benches til like 5+ where we saw yus & shaf at 4+. they thot it was 6. how smart.

    the wonderful day that we leave the island FOREVER. yay. nothing much happened la. just packed everything up. oooh. i had crackers with tuna. i was sitting with ppl from nina utama (aly, crystal & karina) and they had tuna & i had like 12 packets of crackers so we pigged out. (later joined by beatrice, cheryl lim & shayne). it was quite good u know. then we went HOME. that's obs. and im FINALLY DONE.

    Posted by Serene(: at 11:15 PM

    January 2005
    February 2005
    March 2005
    April 2005
    May 2005
    June 2005
    July 2005
    August 2005
    September 2005
    October 2005
    November 2005
    December 2005
    January 2006
    February 2006
    March 2006
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    July 2006
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    September 2006
    October 2006
    November 2006
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    January 2007
    February 2007
    March 2007
    April 2007

    aly wee.
    2gy 06.
    2sy 06.
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    2se 06.
    2pe 06.
    2gr 06.
    1pe 05.
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    1se 05.
    1gr 05.

    amazing race 11.
    prison break.
    survivor 13.
    survivor 14.