Saturday, February 24, 2007

omgomgomg. obs is in TWO days

i hope i score freaking well for my bio/physics test. (doing extremely well in both would be good but i have more hope for physics) if i show my mum good physics/bio paper & the horrble geog paper together, HOPEFULLY she wont be that mad. cross fingers

and i want someone to help me download KIMI SAE IREBA, the theme song from cooking master boy. it's my favourite song from all my 3 fave animes. (BIG grin)

random note: i still think that survivor cook islands is the BEST survivor season EVER (partly due to obvious reasons). im in a survivor mood, having watched yesterday's survivor & the survivor live for last week.

im hungry & i think my relatives have gone home & its safe to go down now.

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:51 PM

Sunday, February 18, 2007

CNY PICS; credits to aly wee & shayne
im kinda lazy to put proper captions so it'll probly have like a couple of words. a sentence if i feel like it. & info abt OBS i got from my cousin from st nics.
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6 of us; missing shereen, alex, crystal & mei-e
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what it TURNED OUT TO BE & what it was SUPPOSED to be
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting me shayne & MAMA YUNELLIE (misspelt on purpose)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting MEI-E & HER DARLING MR JUMPING BEAN
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting spas pardds. GUESS WHO.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting me shayne & crystal when crystal was on duty. -.-
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting me & aly. i think i look weird here.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting i think i posted this alr but just too lazy to delete it
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting me gemma wang xun aly & shereen
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my new year goodies. left from school, right from my tuition teacher. right. kitkats from ft & ct (as if. i bet the school just bought a bunch of cartons & asked the teacher to give out) fortune cookie from 4pe. kelly asked me to go away even though i brought so many customers. pfffft. fruit plus from the cai shen walking around. coins from different game stalls & POCKET MONEY from MAMA NELLIE.

AND the promised stuff abt OBS. okay. apparently, we dont get to choose water or land. we have to do both. hiking bags are provided so u can just bring a normal hand carry bag & just transfer the stuff u need into the provided hiking bag. and the last thing i managed to wring out of her was to be prepared to come back DARK, MUSCULAR & STINKY.

Posted by Serene(: at 10:00 PM

Friday, February 16, 2007

it's 2 days late cos the pics taken a long time to load.

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look at all my lovely presents. however, SERENE CAI STILL OWES ME A DOUBLE BALLOON.
i'll be introducing my presents one by one. i cant do the cny edition yet since my cam didnt have a memory stick this morning so i had to freeload off everyone else's cams. esp shayne's. the BUTTLESS one.
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this is from ALEX to me. so cute right? i LOVE eeyore. so cute right? i wonder if aly still likes heffalump. so cute. NOTE: that gold thing is a hersley. (beams in a yus-like way)

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this is from SHEREEN to me. so cute right? i LOVE it. yay. its CHOCOLATE. the TRUE meaning of valentine's day. smack. i was wondering what the balloon was at first. haha.

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the mnms in the left is from JEANETTE to me, my nice little junior who's in love with elvin ng. =) the one in the middle two is from ZEALYN to me, my sweet little junior who's not in love with elvin ng. one jeanette is enough. the middle right is the enlarged version of the note she wrote me. the thing on the far right is what's inside the wrapping paper from zealyn.

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icecream stick from ALY WEE to me. left is the front. right is the back. so cute la. i love the heart swirly scotch tape thing.

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this bunch of i dunno what is from MICHELL to me. yupp. she signed off MRS RON NG. -.- i expected a mrs ron/ray/kev actually. anw its better than what mei-e got from her. practically every sentence was i hate you for something something. i rmb one sentence that made me & shayne nearly fall off our chairs laughing. "i hate you for always replacing me with oranges" HAHAHA. its the oranges that i gave mei-e for fun since it looked like her beloved MR. JUMPING BEAN.
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SHANICE to me. omgomgomg. i'll go hyper from all these smarties. she knows me well. im a raving CHOCOHOLIC. i love chocolate & hence i love valentine's day.

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from ZHAOEY to me. i think its super cute la. plus i love the silver ribbon too. hee. and YAY. there's no way she'll analyse a movie with serene when she drags me zhao & amanda to watch some show. anw amanda & i have planned a backup plan if they do. we'll just switch seats. such SIMPLICITY. such BRILLIANCE.
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from the PREFECTS. i love the prefects. except when they book me. (note to shayne: i dont think mrs jb helped in making them.)
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this is from ELYN to me. yay. more chocolate. YUM. aahhh. i forgot to take a pic with her today. pfft. haha. i would have taken pics with everyone i met if i didnt forget my memory stick. eg. i would have taken a pic with camilla & put the caption "me & the person who got mistaken for a teacher 3 times" HHHEEEEEE.

Posted by Serene(: at 10:18 PM

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


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look at all my lovely presents. however, SERENE CAI STILL OWES ME A DOUBLE BALLOON.
i'll be introducing my presents one by one. i cant do the cny edition yet since my cam didnt have a memory stick this morning so i had to freeload off everyone else's cams. esp shayne's. the BUTTLESS one.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
this is from ALEX to me. so cute right? i LOVE eeyore. so cute right? i wonder if aly still likes heffalump. so cute. NOTE: that gold thing is a hersley. (beams in a yus-like way)

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting
this is from SHEREEN to me. so cute right? i LOVE it. yay. its CHOCOLATE. the TRUE meaning of valentine's day. smack. i was wondering what the balloon was at first. haha.

Posted by girlosophy; at 6:43 PM

Thursday, February 08, 2007

yay. i could finally sign into blogger!!

WATCH THIS. so nice. =) guarantee to make you smile. =) the song’s nice too.

and this one will make you laugh ur ass off.

this is a bird flu madtv special. Haha. Poor bigbird.

I saved the funniest for last. MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA. Starring bobby lee.

and I love boogie wonderland from happy feet. I know its like super long ago but I just got the dvd like last week or so. I like the Spanish rap part. =)

btw, I’d love it if we could play the pirates of the Caribbean theme song in band. That’ll be fun. Just thot abt it in assembly the other day when we were being educated abt the Thailand trip.

Posted by girlosophy; at 3:20 PM

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aly wee.
2gy 06.
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2gr 06.
1pe 05.
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1se 05.
1gr 05.

amazing race 11.
prison break.
survivor 13.
survivor 14.