Sunday, December 31, 2006

3 more days til school reopens.

thats SAD. im having a fast and furious marathon. (im 3/4 through the 3rd one as i blog) yes. well, my uncle told me something yesterday. im not really sure if i believe him or not. apparently, people with the blood type O were hunters long LONG ago. so that means i should eat more meat. if i eat more seafood, that means that my ancestors were fishermen. if i eat more meat like chicken, pork, beef, it means my ancestors were hunters on LAND. -.- so then i told him that i like raw fish (sashimi, salmon only) then he said that means that my ancestors hunted bears (they eat salmon) and that's why i like salmon. (rolls eyes) kinda rubbish right? haha.

AND, something even MORE important. my uncle (another one) has the king arthur book that ive been searching for for 2 YEARS. the catch is the book is in australia. SIGH. meaning i have to wait until he, my aunt & cousin come back out to singapore in end june til i can get the book. and my cousin has like dunno how many books from ENGLAND. it's unfair. pfft. (my uncle's english & his sis is a librarian in england and so she sends my cousin hordes of books from england) i SSSOOO want the king arthur book. it's like 4inches THICK, SMALL words and its the UNABRIDGED version. i hope they can air mail it to me by late feb latest.


Posted by girlosophy; at 5:37 PM

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

well i had a VERY fruitful day today. i spent my day carrying on watching survivor cook islands from where i left off yesterday(my 2nd time watching the season), watching my favourite challenges from survivor cook islands, watching several episodes from prison break and i just finished watching king arthur. rather FULFILLING huh? but i must say im more in tuned to king arthur now that ive read the book and noticed some stuff that i never noticed before. sad to say, i was watching pirates of the caribbean 2 and i found out that once again, there's a part that's cut off. (it's a pirated dvd. heh) this is the 2nd poc dead man's chest dvd that i got and its the exact same prob. INFURATING, this is. and ergh. i can't access my photobucket. something's wrong. pfft.

Posted by girlosophy; at 8:54 PM

Monday, December 25, 2006

i dont rli feel like uploading the pics from 23dec yet. so im gonna put up my favourite SURVIVOR videos instead.

yay. this is my FAVOURITE challenge before the mutiny. i would love if we had this sort of thing for pe or something.

this is the survivor auction. these ppl will pay ridiculous money for the things they crave. poor sundra got ROBBED when she paid $140 for a covered item which turned out to be raw sea cucumber. ergh. and the way ozzy said 420 after jonathan bid all his money ($400) i think thatr was so cute the way he said it. sounded like a 5year old kid. hee.

as you can see, im still in the survivor craze. =) im trying yo persuade my mum to let me order the first 10seasons online. though i DOUBT she'll let me. it's like US&44.99 la. freaking ex. POO.

Posted by girlosophy; at 12:41 PM

there wasnt any space in the above post for another video. but this is my other fave video that's BEFORE the horrible mutiny. (though the mutiny was good for the aitu four) .

it's just like so uncomfortable to watch rebecca struggling to even get to the platform at the end while ozzy was alr swimming back. brad was like stupid to say he wanted to do the puzzle. tsktsk. and it was so cool when ozzy hit the box with his fist. haha.

this is one of my fave immunity challenges after the merge. it's quite funny to see everyone falling over everything. except ozzy of course. i think jeff was totally right. they were too cautious.

this time survivor is like FULL of swimming challenges. i think i'll DIE la if we ever had anything like this. if it's all on land i'm good. but swimming. (shudder) no freaking WAY.

Posted by girlosophy; at 12:25 PM

this is the reward challenge that led up to the reward which i think is pretty funny. especially when the pictures of everyone growing up. yul was a NERD. haha. he's like the harvard stanford yale guy. smart ass.

and this is the reward. i LOVE this reward. haha.

Posted by girlosophy; at 12:00 PM

Friday, December 22, 2006

YAY. my blogger's working again!! i think mt internet connection was CRAP the last time i tried posting though. just finished watching survivor cook islands and it is my FAVOURITE season. it ties with survivor all stars & survivor africa. im in like survivor MODE right now. im like looking through youtube for all the survivor videos i can find and to watch. i mean im really taking everything i can find. but it's REALLY REALLY HARD. the 1st season came out like 6-7years ago and i started watching from the 2nd season. (come on. you dont expect a 7year old kid to understand all the strategies and what not now do you?) oooh. and the survivor somplete season dvds are so going under my wishlist. like the ULTIMATE, MOST WANTED wishlist. i want survivor borneo (season 1), survivor africa (season 3), survivor all stars (season 8) and survivor cook islands (season 13) the most. borneo cos i've NEVER watched it. sad. :'( season 3 cos i picked ethan to win and he DID. all stars cos like all the best players are there and cook islands cos ozzy's there. haha. kidding. but i think that these challenges are like the HARDEST. i saw the 2nd last challenge where they had this 8 different stations you had to get through first through a net then through a rope obstacle and race back and do some weird compass rose challenge which left me going HUH? haha. oooh. and i want a king arthur book with like what REALLY happened between lancelot & guinvere. i support guinvere for ditching arthur cos lancelot is WAY better. haha. im just killing time before my chinese show starts. =)

Posted by girlosophy; at 8:47 PM

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

aaah. something's wrong with blogger!!! it's only showing the html section of the posts. so i can't put anything in colour. but the pics are here. =) though i cant put captions for the pictures cos i cant see the pictures while posting. pooo

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Posted by girlosophy; at 1:09 PM

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

YAY!!! i've finished watching all the cooking master boy episodes. this is my fave episode. GUESS WHY. haha. &

Posted by girlosophy; at 2:56 PM

Sunday, December 10, 2006


i FINALLY got the pics loaded!!! so ENJOY. (i had to put them in different posts cos its too long)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting that's ROCKSTAR. he's a friesian. look how LONG his hair is. he's a stallion and his strides are so nice. his movements are like so freaking fluid. and i LOVE the way he picks up his feet.
that's good old JOKER. the old man can jump. YAY. i think he's closing Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
in on 20 soon. haha. he's a STALLION. this is like the first time i ever rode a stallion, even though he's really small.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting that's SUNNY. she's a chestnut MARE and quite heavy on the hands. i could only get her to go on the bit with the side reins (that's actually kinda cheating. heehee) and with draw reins. she was GREAT with draw reins and that was after my lesson with marina so i FINALLY learnt how to sit BACK in the canter.

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:02 PM

and here's JOKER in my dressage lesson on him. he actually Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
looks quite pretty, dont you think??
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting and that's BEA. he's nat & yijun's dog. sort of. he's the SINGAPOREAN dog. yupp. he was a pup when yijun & nat came before do they kinda spoiled him and now he's like a pet. he follows singaporeans all around. haha. i think he's howling at a taxi in this pic. dunno why. all the dogs do that.
that's BEA and his GIRLFRIEND. i think they're cute Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
together. haha. but bea's smaller than her. heh. they were running sround in the areana while we were having a lesson. and his gf's the dog that BURIES stuff in the sand in the arena. there's bones and combs and lots of other stuff. oooh. and there was a half eaten APPLE too.

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:01 PM

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting that's MAXIE rolling his butt off on the floor. yupp. he's the pony that rolls. that's why they NEVER put a good saddle on him. =) he's so naughty but he's a good pony. better than potong anw. potong's this LOCO pony that yijun loves. he's actually quite nice (from what i saw in our last jumping lesson) once you sweet talk him. and that's nat. the blue thing on the right.
that's just one of the ponies rolling in the paddock. just felt like postingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting
that. he looks like he's playing dead right?
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting that's PONY PORN!!! hahaha. CAUGHT IN THE ACT. though i don't know the names of the ponies. i had to pick a picture where the bay's (the one on top. ps. i think he's a gelding...)(gelding means he's gay) you-know-what wasn't showing.

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:00 PM

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting that's PIAK. he's so cute. actually he's quite ugly. but he's so ugly to the point where he's so CUTE. haha. i dont think that makes sense but NVM. he really short & when he breathes its quite LOUD cos his snout is super SHORT. and he runs funny. look how short his LEGS are. they're so short to the point that when he lies down on his left side, his right paws cant reach the ground. haha.
this is a nice CLOSEUP picture of little BEABEA. he looks soPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting
sweet & serene here.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting once again, just felt like posting a random pic. but this is so ADORABLE. this little mare aint even up to my shoulder. and i'm pretty short. haha.
nice picture of ROCKSTAR. look at him showing off his Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Posted by girlosophy; at 3:59 PM

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting FELICIANO. the BEAUTIFUL BIG BAY 18H WARMBLOOD. he is so nice to ride and his canter is so smooth and groundeating. haha. went a bit crazy in the lesson cos me & nat were racing our horses against each other in the canter. she was on joker so it kinda wasnt very fair. we passed joker quite a few times. (well DUH) and felli's nat's favourite horse.
look how BIG the BIGfat blob is. (BIG fat blob's Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
his nickname) he's a BIG lug he is. he's so sweet & gentle but lazy as hell. haha.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting that's me jumping the teeny tiny MAXIE. i think thats 70cm. and that person in green is KYRA. she's our instructor. maxie is such a good jumper. =) ponies are actually all good jumpers. just that they're too SMALL. booooooo.

Posted by girlosophy; at 3:58 PM

last but NOT least, here's GEORGIE. she was the last Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
horse i rode in bangkok. this is a nice pic of her going on the bit. she looks so nice when she's round. she got pretty flighty after the canter. ergh. and she kept trying to run sunny down. haha.

so that's it. i've uploaded all the pictures from my bangkok trip. there's like 400 over in total but i'm not THAT crazy to upload all of them. some of them are pics of like logs and boots or something. my dad was fooling around with the cam cos it was new. -.- rather CHILDISH, dont you think?

Posted by girlosophy; at 3:57 PM

Friday, December 08, 2006

omg. i LOVE my trip to bangkok. it's like one of the best holidays ever. i went with yijun & nat (plus yijun's parents & cousins) and i got to ride like 2, 3 times a DAY. i'll NEVER get a chance like this at home. plus the horses are so GOOD. in the sense that they're better than singapore horses. but like we had quite a lot of casualties on the trip. heehee. weijie fell off the atv (yijun's p6 cousin who's like 1.7m plus)(the atv fell on top of him) hongjie (yijun's other cousin in sec3) fell off look-chan (horse) when she was walking and turned the other way. (we laughed our pants off at him) and nat & yijun fell off the bicycle. HAHA. i was the only one who didn't fall off anything. then the club had like european instructors there (from netherlands & russia) i had a jumping lesson with peter (netherlands) on joker, a lesson with marie on joker too (she's the trainer of christina kunz, OMG) and 2 lessons; a private & a grp, with marina (russia) on joker & georgie. & i rode maxie in a flat lesson and 2 jumping ones. so fun. except in the flat, he lay down with me on top. kyra kinda warned me abt it but i couldn't catch him fast enuff. HA. the 2nd lesson on him i caught him twice & on my last lesson i caught him 3 times. we were like super surprised that he'd try again cos during his first attempt, i whacked the hell out of him and he bucked.

Posted by girlosophy; at 1:50 PM

(continued from the post above) yupps. and i rode feliciano (nat's fave horse & 18 hands high) and OMG. i love him too. it's been like over a YEAR since i rode a nice big warmblood. granted, he's bigger than abel (wendy barker's 16.2hands warmblood who i rode in june 05) and definitely more fun. though i had to borrow nat's spurs to make him move. so lazy but his strides are so nice & smooth. i should talk sandra into letting me ride magic one day. he's like the biggest horse at btsc. oooh. and there was this ultra pretty stallion (cant rmb what breed) but he's so PRETTY. he's called rockstar cos his hair is so long (like a rockstar; hence the name) oooh. then we all went out for dinner on the 6th & i finally found some ppl (yijun & nat) who love the same shows as me (lotr, king arthur, poc, hidalgo etc.) all those sort of horsey/fighty/dark, middle age movies. and we had steamboat and we ATE and ATE and ATE. we only spent like 60 baht less than the adults and there was 4 of them & 3 of us. haha. we're BIG EATERS. and yijun is so drama she should quit art club & join drama. reminds me of you, serene. she can suddenly rant on in shakespearean language/poetry & me & nat have absolutely NO idea what she's talking abt.

Posted by girlosophy; at 1:46 PM

(continued from above post)that reminds me. in our 2nd jumping lesson, we jousted each other with out whips on our ponies. something we can never do in singapore cos most of the horses will freak out. and the reason yijun got amaretto was cos she fell off a horse when she was 10 & broke her arm. -.- maybe i should do that too and my parents will get me a horse. HA. FAT HOPE. oooh. and my mum told me that anawak & marina said that i have potential to be part of the team the club wants to form to compete in thailand for interclub competitions. yay. so i need to start running to strenghten my leg muscles (of which i have practically none) ok. look below for PICTURES!!!!

Posted by girlosophy; at 12:42 PM

Saturday, December 02, 2006

i LOVE band camp. so fun. i'm too lazy to like go thru everything but i liked day TWO the best. we ran like 5rounds around the track and then we had a 200m relay. my team got 2nd. hee. then we played captain's ball and i think i pulled a muscle from that from running all around. and my aiming SUCKS la. too long never shoot alr. i kept throwing too high and sylvia didnt even bother to jump la. stupid. i love amazing race though we were like quite tired. meiyi joined my grp cos marissa was sick. sick then still can go to botanics to wait for us. HUH. oooh. and meiyi's my BIRTHDAY TWIN. haha. i finally found my own bday twin. then like on the last day of camp after we could leave, all the percussionists stayed back to play FIFA WORLD CUP 2oo6 MONOPOLY. haha. i was eyeing portugal and japan like the whole way. (wanted to buy portugal to spite beatriec & japan to spite yanny) haha. and i was the only person who DIDN'T go to jail at ALL. my fu qi very good. and we were pigging out the whole way. then my mum brought schnauzy when she came to pick me up and that BLUR dog of mine went to the wrong person. -.- she went to sniff elyn instead. haha. i was like please don't go sniff yanny cos she'll scream. ooooh. and this is the monopoly stuff

Posted by girlosophy; at 1:41 PM

January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007

aly wee.
2gy 06.
2sy 06.
2co 06.
2se 06.
2pe 06.
2gr 06.
1pe 05.
1co 05.
1se 05.
1gr 05.

amazing race 11.
prison break.
survivor 13.
survivor 14.