Tuesday, November 28, 2006



felt like doing something spastic. haha.

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:31 PM

Monday, November 27, 2006

omg. i'm in THAT phase again. that phase where i EAT and EAT and EAT and EAT non stop. i've had this since friday i think. i had a HUGE bowl of spaghetti, prata and another HUGE bowl of maggie mee with raw egg. yum. i LOVE the yolk of raw eggs. i'm hungry again. then on sat, i had a bowl of soba, plus sashimi, PLUS maki, PLUS sushi, plus MISO SOUP. (i'm craving for that now) i'm going to macdonalds later for a burger, fries & a hashbrown after dinner. i'm STRAVING. and for band camp, i am going to pack EVERYTHING i have; food and otherwise. i plan on sneaking out 2mrw to the petrol kiosk and buying everything i feel like eating. i feel like a PIG. oink. haha. oooh. and i'm gonna pack me bolster, pillow and blanket for camp tooooo. and ELYN!! switch sleeping bags with me okay. (so that serene'll attack you instead)

Posted by girlosophy; at 6:57 PM

Friday, November 24, 2006

i LOVE youtube. =) i managed to find like the WHOLE series of love hina & cooking master boy on it. so i'll be GLUED to the com for the rest of the hols til i finish watching ALL the episodes. haha. oooh. and today in band it was just us sec 2s. and i actually felt USEFUL today. i managed to finally learn how to count properly. HEH. then i learnt how to like do double stroke and some other drumstick stuff. i don't know the names. hee. and i have a BAD feeling about camp. i KNOW serene & zhao are going to do something to me. (shudder) maybe i'll switch sleeping bags with someone then they'll attack the wrong person instead. and thank GOODNESS i went early on monday and learnt some of the drill commands. i was like following everything karyn was doing during drills. LUCKY man. was so scared the seniors would scold me. haha.

Posted by girlosophy; at 8:32 PM

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

shows i want to watch (no matter how far the release date is)
1. step up
2. happy feet
3. eragon (14 dec 2006)
4. love wrecked
5. pirates of the caribbean: at world's end (may 2007)
6. shrek 3 (may 2007)
7. spider man 3
8. harry potter 5 (july 2007)

that's all i can think of right now. i'm making it a point to update as much as i can during the hols while i still have the time. HMMM. i feel like doing another list. but i dunno what. HECK. i'll save it for anothe day.

Posted by girlosophy; at 9:14 PM

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A-You like to curse a lot
B-You like people
C-You're wild and crazy
D-You have one of the best personalities ever
E-Damn good kisser
F-People adore you
G-You never let people tell you what to do
H-You have a very good personality and looks
I-You have a fine ass
J-Everyone loves you
K-You are really silly
L-You live to have fun
M-One to have fun
N-You are dead sexy
O-You are one of the best in bed
P-You are popular with all types of people
Q-You are a hypocrite
R-Fcuking Crazy
S-Easy to fall in love with
T-You're loyal to those you love
U-You really like to chill
V-You are not judgemental
W-You are very broad minded
X-You never let people tell you what to do
Y-One of the best bf/gf anyone could ask for
Z-Always ready

B-You like people
R-Fcuking Crazy
E-Damn good kisser
N-You are dead sexy
D-You haveone of the best personalities ever
A-You like to curse a lot

L-You live to have fun
O-You are one of the best in bed
W-You are very broad minded

Y-One of the best bf/gf anyone could ask for
I-You have a fine ass

S-Easy to fall in love with
I-You have a fine ass
U-You really like to chill

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:33 AM

Monday, November 20, 2006

that WOMAN is driving me INSANE. i don't see why she can't give me like 5 minutes of peace. WHO asked me to get a proper cca? WHO wanted me to get more cca points? HER. not me. HER. and now she's nagging at me to keep my grades up (HELLO? it's the HOLIDAYS) and that she's gonna make me ride ONCE a week if they drop. counting your chicks before they hatch arent you? and i'll bet EVERYTHING i have that she won't let me invite my friends to my house next tues cos i've got band camp the next day. she neeeds to go for some sort of control relinquishing course. she is a control FREAK. she is MAD.

Posted by girlosophy; at 6:43 PM

Saturday, November 18, 2006

4 questions you hate people to ask you
1. why didn't you do your hw(3 guesses who asks me this -.-)
2. why did you join band (seriously. i hate this question)
3. am i good at ______ <-- this part varies (you should know whether you're good at something or not and not ask people whether you're good at it. it IRKES some people you know)
4. does my face look better? (once again, i DETEST this question. just look in a mirror)

5 things you can't live without
1. schnauzy (i LOVE my doggy)
2. friends (i LOVE my friends too)
3. family (it's FAMILY)
4. riding (my only escape from all the stress of everything else )
5. fun (if there's no fun in life, what's the point of living)

2 things you wish you could get rid off
1. the horrible COMPLUSORY cca system (it's BAD enough for us to study our asses off without staying back every so often)
2. the fact that we have to do humanities if we're doing triple (i don't WANT to learn geog or lit. i'd rather focus on science)

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:39 PM

serene & zhao --> STOP MAKING FUN OF ME

i've already swallowed all my pride & joined band okay. i'm officially a percussionist. i swear i'm going to practice HARD and somehow get into syf. you'll see. you can laugh at me people but i decided i DON'T CARE. laugh now so i don't need to see ur faces controlling your laughter. i finally have like a proper cca though i feel like out of place cos everyone else has been in band for at least a YEAR alr.

i was like super reatrded la. i didn't know what the heck i was supposed to do when everyone else was doing drills or what not. oooh. i hope yanny has to like march. then i can just stand at one side and hit the bass drum and not march. HAHA. hopehopehope.
and now right, the only free day i have left is tuesday. so SERENE--> the only day we can go out is 12 dec. SORRY.

omg. and i still can't believe that mr yap said i look like serene. EW. haha. no offence dear, i'd rather look like me. and miss ng agrees too. bleagh. i WILL get into syf. i WILL. i WILL. i WILL. somehow.

oh. & one more thing to complain abt. i cant ride today OR 2mrw. irritating. >.< SIGH. i'm so gonna be out of form next week. i haven't jumped for TWO weeks alr. i'm gonna die. thank goodness i'll be riding TWICE a day EVERYDAY when i go to bangkok.

Posted by girlosophy; at 12:47 PM

Thursday, November 16, 2006

yay. my sore throat's gone. just got phlegm left. :D

i'm bored. oooh. my new favourite song is LONDON BRIDGE. i'm bored so i'll just post the lyrics.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.
Are you ready for this?
Oh, shit!

It's me
The pimp
Fergie Ferg, what's up baby?!
Come on

When I come to the clubs, step aside (Oh, shit)
Part the seas, don't be having me in the line (Oh, shit)
V.I.P 'cause you know I gotta shine (Oh, shit)
I'm Fergie Ferg
And me love you long time (Oh shit)

All my girls get down on the floor (Oh, shit)
Back to back drop it down real low (Oh, shit)
I'm such a lady but I'm dancing like a ho (Oh, shit)
'cause you know I don't give a fuck so here we go! (Oh shit)

[Chorus (x2):]
How come every time you come around
My London London Bridge wanna go down
Like London London London wanna go down
Like London London London be going down like

The drinks start pouring
And my speech start slurring
Everybody start looking real good (Oh, shit)

The Grey Goose got your girl feeling loose
Now I'm wishing that I didn't wear these shoes (I hate heels)
It's like every time I get up on the dude
Paparazzi put my business in the news
And I'm like get up out my face (oh, shit)
'fore I turn around and spray your ass with mace (oh, shit)
My lips make you wanna have a taste (oh, shit)
You got that? I got the bass (Uh)

[Chorus x2]

Ah, da, da, da, da, doo, doo, doo, doo
Me like a bullet type, you know they comin' right
Fergie love em' long time
My girls support right?

Ah, da, da, da, da, doo, doo, doo, doo
Doo, doo, doo, doo
Ah, da, da, da, da, doo, doo, doo, doo

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:07 PM

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

pooey. i've got a stinking sore throat. WAHHHHH. :'( i always get sore throats when something nice/good/fun is around the corner la. i got one after adventure camp. then i got one when it was my bday. and now when i'm supposed to go to vivo on thurs and go to school for something important on friday. AAAHHH. i am CURSED. oh ya. and i forgot to mention i lost my voice half way thru peerleading camp from shouting and shrieking too much. [i blame pearlyn] and to think serene ENVIES the fact that i am plagued with sore throats. i think i should have my tonsils removed like my mum. oh ya. and whenever i get sore throats, i sound like a guy. that makes the whole thing wrose. BAH. i better get better by 2mrw. though i highly doubt it.

please let me get my voice back by 2mrw...

Posted by girlosophy; at 3:01 PM

Monday, November 13, 2006

the long awaited

1. love hina movie collection vol. 1-6 [episode 1-24]
2. love hina xmas special dvd [episode 26]
3. love hina spring special dvd[episode 27]
4. love hina again [episode 28-30]
5. cooking master boy [all 52 episodes]
6. book vouchers [i'll go mad in a bookstore with these]
7. frank t. thompson's king arthur
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
8. let me get into percussion
for more details, look at the different wishlists at the side.
it'll be nice if you could get me these things. :)

Posted by girlosophy; at 8:05 PM

Sunday, November 12, 2006

YAYE. i got Eldest today. it's the 2nd book of the inheritance trilogy. 1st book is eragon. can't wait til the 3rd book comes out.

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:47 PM

Saturday, November 11, 2006

List 11 people randomly. 5 girls. 1 boy. 1 family member, 4 of your own choice.
2. ana
3. alex (girl)
4. yus
5. mao
6. zay
7. shu
8. zhao
9. henry (cousin)
10. carmen
11. fooch (guy)

How did you meet 10? (carmen) online in sec1 when my friend from tuition introduced me to her [they were in same school] cos she thot we would be good friends

What would you do if you never met 5? (mao) well i wouldn't be so corrupted by her nonsense and i would be able to hear better if not for the time she blew out my ear drums singing sakura

what would you do if 2 and 5 were dating? (mao & ana) it's possible. we've got one horny person and a very blur one. it MIGHT happen

have you seen 4 cry?(yus) no... i have seen her do lots of stupid things though

do you think 1 is pretty?(serene) yeah... haha

tell me something about 11.(fooch) i knew hime since p6

how do you know 8?(zhao) i knew her since PRIMARY ONE =)

would you ever date 6?(zay) MAYBE. hahaha. i'm kidding. i'm attatched to a friend from tuition. she's said she loves me. HA

what's 7's fav. colour?(shu) green?? never rli asked her

what would you do if 2 confesses his/her love for you? (ana) i'll say i love her too but say zay or mao's better for her =)

fact about 9?(henry) he has to go to a prom this year. HAHAHA

who is 6 going out with?(zay) i'l love to know

who is 5 to you?(mao) horny funny friend who's tone deaf

would you ever live with 11?(fooch) ew. he's gross and super ego. would YOU want to live with him? the question answers itself

is 2 single?(ana) i THINK. it's ANA. you NEVER know

how much does 3 mean to you?(alex) ex partner & nice enough HEE

what do you think of 1? (serene) a bit mad & over religious and we don't agree on a LOT of things but we're still best buddies =)
whats the best thing about 8?(zhao) she's versatile?? i don't KNOW

Posted by girlosophy; at 8:58 PM

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

good lord. [i've been using that phrase quite alot. i like it. i think it's cos no one i know uses it] ANYWAY, i just got my hp bill for 7 august to 6 spet 'o6 and OH. MY. GOD. my bill is $48. it's shocking. its cause of the stupid roaming thing that lets me use my phone be used globally which my dad FORGOT to cancel and that adds like $10 to the FRIGGING bill. so it's originally $38. That's at least better than $48. now my mum's getting all lecture-y and warning me to cut down on sms-ing. ergh. there is NO better way to COMMUNICATE in this world other than sms. also, i need to practice using my NEW phone. hee. i DIE man. like last month i only smsed like 301 times cos i was trying to ren [chinese hanyupinyin for control] it's been EIGHT days so far and i've alr sent FIVE HUNDRED smses. i DIE. DIE i tell you. i am so going to propose my dad get me 500 FREE smses instead of my measly 300. this SUCKS. and tomorrow, i'll be sneaking around the finances file to see when was the most i've spent on hp so i can stay under it and use that as a bargaining chip. the old "but i spent less than that time where i spent $____"

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:23 PM

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

well. i went back to restraighten my hair and i had to sit in the DAMN CHAIR for FIVE hours. that's just plain torture. i had to endure the horrifically indescribable smell of ammonia for 1.5 HOURS. ergh. i sitll have a migraine. oooh. and one of the rare times my dad goes with me to the cd store, i forget my ever increasing cd want list. ergh. stupid stupid STUPID. oooh. and i went to a japanese buffet for dinner. i feel so FAT and FULL right now. and i got the book alex recommended; showdown. it's a DIRTY book. haha. but it's abt horses. i bet a certain someone (cough)mao(cough) would like it. HAHA

Posted by girlosophy; at 9:59 PM

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

omg. i LOVE peerleading camp!!! it is so freaking FUN!! these three days are like top 10 of my favourite days of my life. HEE. [cai;it's equal to ur church camp] my legs are aching though. my group ran round the whole school looking for one of our psl seniors to like finish the game. the type u go from place to place doing tasks & first group to finish wins. & she was hiding in room 100 & we went there like 3times. stupid pearlyn was hiding under the table. oooh. i'm going to be peer leader for 1gr 07. hope they're nice. :) oooh. and i made a bunch of new FRIENDS too & i got to know other friends better too. oooh. & i like my group for fish bowl exercise session 2. haha. karina was the know all, seetoh was the agressor [agressor my ass man], shayne & i were the clowns. haha. we caused so much trouble for poor jolyn. i resorted to throwing the zinc marker caps & the marker itself at shayne for fun. i'm so SORRY for the orange mark on your shirt. heehee. i love my seniors. they're super FUNNY. ehui spent the whole of tuesday trying to guess my cca. i think she resorted to asking pearlyn & mun ching for help. haha. could have asked more ppl though. emelyn was quite fast cos sam gave her hints. tiff was like FAST la. she got it in less than 5mintues & i think denise was stoning away. HAHA. cant wait for another psl session!!! and i love this heart. it's our PSB candle heart. <33>Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Posted by girlosophy; at 9:03 PM

January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007

aly wee.
2gy 06.
2sy 06.
2co 06.
2se 06.
2pe 06.
2gr 06.
1pe 05.
1co 05.
1se 05.
1gr 05.

amazing race 11.
prison break.
survivor 13.
survivor 14.