Tuesday, February 21, 2006

we got our camp info yesterday. i'm in same half as alex, carmen n mao. so yaye. but sleeping arrangements are like sucky. we'll only know when we get there. i'm so gonna switch la. n our grp is called some weird think la. grp 3. forgot the name. sucky. then had sports heats yesterday. carmen got 3rd. congrats u gay geisha. =) then zay, ana, carmen, michelle n me [sometimes] were doing carmen's geisha fan. haha. omg. n so malu la. the 1st for shot put is like sec 1. haha. n a certain SOMEONE was super inconsiderate n kept on standing in front of me when i was watching shot put wif the rest la. idiot pig. x( went to kap after events wif zay n ana. it's safe to say we made a fool out of ourselves by acting a bit les. haha. =P that sums up everything. =) have to go to queenstown soon to buy stuff for camp. sigh. why track pants?? why no jeans?? can't wait for class tee!!! <33

Posted by girlosophy; at 8:57 PM

Thursday, February 16, 2006

super long post
had om meeting. went to raffles town club busstop. waited SUPER LONG for a certain someone *hinthint* who was 45 minutes late. but her mum gave us a ride back to my house after collecting stuff from lyd's house. then sarah, glads, cherie & me finished up remaining of props. lyd came n we went to kap. we spent a super long time eating mcdonalds n we were laffing at lydia when she was talking on the phone. then went to find the cardboard which took us super long to find. when we found it it was like super dirty n gross. some of it was wet but heck la. can always wash hands. then we embarrassed ourselves on the way back while carrying cardboard. stupid lydia n satah ran so far ahead n left me glads n cherie stranded. =( idiots. but then on the bus we were practically screaming that we were from rgs. haha. evil us. then while the ither 3 were doing costumes, me n sarah were cutting cardboard for the pyramid. we were like red all over from mosquito bites n sarah broke my penknife. so strong man. =) so then she ended up using my grandma's friut knife n a chopping board. haha. our butchress. n when we painted it like super late at night [not really late la but next day got school so stay at friend's house until 10+ is considered quite late] the paint was weird. cherie neo a bit blind. haha xp so when we were done, the thing looked like a weird cheesecake biscuit. yupp.

Posted by girlosophy; at 12:10 AM

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

crappy day. as usual. but i found my heart!! yaye. xD happy happy. so i put all my non sweeties valentines in my cupboard pocket. looks nice man. got om 2mrw so ... hmmm. yes. got bitten by bugs all thru assembly. bleagh. i have like 3 more mosquito bites la. making a total of 8. =( sigh. m going to sign science paper 2day coz my dad's not in singapore. time to face the music. n i found out that __ got paid $60 to do someone's history hw. easy money man. $.$ haha. xp. sigh. and rachel lost her voice la and she sounded super hoarse. haha. she said hi to me n mao during art from behind and we thot that she was a guy. haha. but her voice sounds super hot & sexy. esp when she did a french accent. haha. ya. but that like sounds super wrong. haha. <33>

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:45 PM

Monday, February 13, 2006

ooooooo ... got a new skin. nice. black and piink. <33>

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:14 PM

Monday, February 06, 2006

FRRRRRRRRRREAK. i HATE that stupid science test. if i can pass i'm super happy. however that isn't enuff to please SOME people. \xp anw, ce = waste of time. i was doing chinese tuition hw all the time la. as for science n maths ... PUI. eng was quite fun. =) omg. like the first 3 ppl to do teh speak so pro la. but i think yussie's trip over a bag was totally uncalled for. haha. the assembly ended SUPER early and we get a 2nd recess on ewdnesdays! yaye! but i don't think i'll like use it la. waste time.
go down n come up = 10 minutes
buy food = 10 minutes
remaing time to eat = 10 minutes
bleagh. no point people. then b4 miss heng came into the khoo audi, me jan mao dosh n trish were like slapping each other and using the excuse "WASP!!" haha. it resumed after assembly finished and we were walking back to class. was arguing super loudly wif mao back to class and back down to the 2nd level when school ended. wahahahaha. SIGH. got art in 2 days. art should be ABOLISHED. and i have to write serene an 8 page letter. poof.

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:16 PM

Friday, February 03, 2006

2day was like probly the most fun day this whole week. maths was blah. as ususal. n during lit, i think miss lee/miss li [dunno how o spell her name] doesn't like our class coz we were like D.E.A.D. science was soso. poof. managed to make use of music to do teh cheer, and surprisingly, the coordination of the dance n the cheer actually fitted quite well together. goodie. -claps hands in excitment. then had om. were like doing rubbish. short term prob was like so stupid. wuliao. then tll 2day was SUPER fun. miss liu taught us 2day so we wasted like abt 3/4 the lesson laffing at her. then i asked her whether she was the teacher wif the chicken. haha. one of the ri guys in my old maths class told me. wahaha. she like super funny. she's like from sc pri but she left at p4 to join rgs. traitor. (>.<) =33 she's like so drama and kept on prancing around so this is what happened
ME: are u in drama?
ME:but ur so dramatic. then dance?
MISS LIU: u joking right? i'm like the most uncooridnated person la
ME: then what's ur cca
MISS LIU: bball
ME: okay ... anw, u don't behave like an rgs girl
MISS LIU: i know. i was like so slack. no one believes me when i tell them i'm from rgs.
[my friend butts in here abt eels n caves]
to understand what i mean, pls read/watch memiors of a geisha. you'll get what i mean.

Posted by girlosophy; at 9:52 PM

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January 2006
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aly wee.
2gy 06.
2sy 06.
2co 06.
2se 06.
2pe 06.
2gr 06.
1pe 05.
1co 05.
1se 05.
1gr 05.

amazing race 11.
prison break.
survivor 13.
survivor 14.