Tuesday, December 27, 2005

ok. there;s something wrong wif my com so i can't rli post long posts. so read the post under this 1st then read this. anw,

haha. in the end he managed to come in. ya. then he started jabbing us wif his metal detector. so free hor.

then on sunday, went to my aunty's house. so fun. i was super bored at 1st so went to play wif jackie for most if the time. javkie's ben's dog. jackie the jack russell. rather imaginative isn't it? anw, so then my idiotic cousins who i can't stand, samuel n timothy rite, they irritated jackie that when lydia [another cousin] unleashed jackie by accident [she's 4] so then jackie chased samuel around his maid's legs, crying n screaming, obviously the more u make a fuss all the more the dog will bully u. poof. idiot. then we let her run around in the front of the house n she kept on flinging herself at the glass door coz the 2 idiots were making a hell lot of noise. reminded me of this scene in cujo when he was flinging himself at the car. ya. then the 'present ceremony' which we haven't done in 2 yrs was more fun than the last time we did it. my aunties n uncles all bully each other. we all also get bullied. for the sake of presents have to hug ppl n then the smaller cousins eg 1 - 6 yrs old have to dance then can get their presents. for teh sake of presents. then gregory [another cousin, 2 or 3] so eager to get presents, stood next to the tree n kept shouting hurry!!!!! so funny. haha. yupps. n i'm going back for new year celebrations so i have to return henry's blink 182 cd then.

then i watched lost today. the whole 2nd season. omg. i can't believe shannon died la. stupid ana lucia. n sawyer loves kate. so predictable. wahahaha. n finaslly found out who goodwin was. can't wait fot season 3!!!!

Posted by girlosophy; at 12:56 PM

hey!! lots to say so BRACE YOURSELFok. so i went to watch narnia wif serene on the 23rd. narnia RAWKS. it is SO much better than gof. i don't think i'll ever watch gof again. seriously. n to think i complained so much about poa. then when we were in the theatre rite, this super tall guy sat in front of me. so i had to lean to the side the whole movie. i came out of it wif a super sore n stiff neck. poof. yupps. narnia is so unlike any ither disney movie la. considering it has a war. though not as gory as lotr. only thing i don't like abt lotr is the parts wif frodo, smeegle n sam. yes. frodo looks possessed most of the time, smeegle is juz freaky n sam is a suck up n tries too hard. where was i? yes. narnia. so after that went to far east to take neos then this super IRRITATING act smart extra stupid poser came into the second machine that we were using n asked, "can i watch u take?" ... -.- but it's like so errr if we say no la. like so rude so we juz said ok. little did we know that that person would put in her 2 cents at ever little thing we did. pigg. ya. then when we juz put our arms over each other rite, she say "how come u never pose one ah??" so EXTRA. like she so clever. then when we arguing abt which button to press, she'll butt in n rant on abt which one. as if we need her help. then when we go decorate, i ask serene which button for the pens then that WOMAN started telling me which ones i should use that'll suit the neos better. er... so kpo. then she went away n i said super loudly, "serene, should we talk abt how irritating and extra that person is?" i think she heard me coz she din bother us again. haha. then serene's bro is super strong la. he's like p3 this yr?? ya. he tried for like 45 minutes to come into the com room. then we had to use the table to barracade the door but he still kept pushing.

Posted by girlosophy; at 12:41 PM

Thursday, December 22, 2005

going to watch kingkong again today!!

1 day til narnia

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:33 AM

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

went xmas shopping after tll today. bought 3 presents. 3 down, 3 to go.

3 days til narnia.

hmmm... the number 3 seems to appear v often huh ...

Posted by girlosophy; at 3:31 PM

Monday, December 19, 2005

yipppeeeee!!! i'm super happy!! i had a really good lesson on songkla yesterday. was using the jumping arena first then went into the dressage one coz sandra wanted to use the jumping one. so did lots of sitting trot 10meter circles, canter simple change across diagonal and lots of leg yielding canter. and the good news is, that after like 7 rounds of pushing songkla in canter then i felt tired. haha. usually it takes me 5 rounds to get tired. yaye. x) then nearing the end of the lesson, after a short break from that canter work. tommy made me push songkla into a very fast canter and made me canter abt 3-4 rounds while he was talking to this lady. slave driver. haha. then did a bit of jumping. a cross, a wall n a parallel. only managed to do the cross coz my whip hit him a few times after the cross. so obviously, being the freaky horse he is, songkla freaked out and he bucked and galloped away. thank goodness everyone alr left if not die la. he'll freak out even more. and this time i'm super happy he freaked out. coz i din forget everything. i actually managed to get him to calm down v fast. haha. so happy i wasn't at the sand track coz he'll go into racing gallop which is so fast taht u can actually hear the wind whistling LOUDLY in ur ears. haha, but quite fun. yaye. n tommy said that now i'm more confident in pushing my horse in the canter and that songka is difficult to push and tough to get him to canter when in a straight line. yaye!! happy!! and also i think the reason i find it easy coz i'm like the only one who rides songkla on a regular basis. haha. no one else likes to ride him but me. hees =) i like that horse. he's got bugs bunny teeth =3 haha


Posted by girlosophy; at 3:32 PM

yipppeeeee!!! i'm super happy!! i had a really good lesson on songkla yesterday. was using the jumping arena first then went into the dressage one coz sandra wanted to use the jumping one. so did lots of sitting trot 10meter circles, canter simple change across diagonal and lots of leg yielding canter. and the good news is, that after like 7 rounds of pushing songkla in canter then i felt tired. haha. usually it takes me 5 rounds to get tired. yaye. x) then nearing the end of the lesson, after a short break from that canter work. tommy made me push songkla into a very fast canter and made me canter abt 3-4 rounds while he was talking to this lady. slave driver. haha. then did a bit of jumping. a cross, a wall n a parallel. only managed to do the cross coz my whip hit him a few times after the cross. so obviously, being the freaky horse he is, songkla freaked out and he bucked and galloped away. thank goodness everyone alr left if not die la. he'll freak out even more. and this time i'm super happy he freaked out. coz i din forget everything. i actually managed to get him to calm down v fast. haha. so happy i wasn't at the sand track coz he'll go into racing gallop which is so fast taht u can actually hear the wind whistling LOUDLY in ur ears. haha, but quite fun. yaye. n tommy said that now i'm more confident in pushing my horse in the canter and that songka is difficult to push and tough to get him to canter when in a straight line. yaye!! happy!! and also i think the reason i find it easy coz i'm like the only one who rides songkla on a regular basis. haha. no one else likes to ride him but me. hees =) i like that horse. he's got bugs bunny teeth =3 haha


Posted by girlosophy; at 3:32 PM

Sunday, December 18, 2005

happy happy me =) i just found out yesterday taht i can ride on xmas eve n on new years eve!! yaye!! x) i thot that i could only ride yesterday n today. haha. but i have to ride at 4 instead. better than not riding. rode songkla yesterday. silly horse stepped on my toe. bloody painful man. then he was being stubborn n pulled me into his stall. pigg. haha. surprisingly, tommy let me jump him. 80-90cm. yaye. happy happy. yupps. but then as per normal, he took off for a few strides after the bigger jump. haha. s0, anw, going to btsc early today. i got a big red apple for him from shanghai. the apples there are HUGE. n i got them free. hee. i took them from the hotel. haha. naughty me. -evil grin

Posted by girlosophy; at 11:14 AM

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

changed my skin. =) nice?? felt a bit bored with my old one. haha.

Posted by girlosophy; at 6:10 PM

Sunday, December 11, 2005

i'm sulking. NO riding today. and NO riding last week. and 4hours 45 minutes of learning lab STRAIGHT. bleagh. n i don't rli like the people in my class. 2 of the rgs girls are quite irritating. talk super loudly all the time. pui.

Posted by girlosophy; at 11:13 AM

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

shanghai SUCKS. big time. it's super cold and i spent my first 2 days there freezing my butt off. until we finally bought jackets suitable for winter. -.- ... anw, the food was super nice la. but the toilets suck. we went to this road market like pasa malam. something like chatuchak market in bangkok. cept this one was much better. =) bought alota stuff. had 3 bags full. =) finally got another jacket. i've outgorwn all of mine and the sleeves are above my elbows -.- my dad bought dunno how many watches. i think around 5 or 7 i think ... none of my business really. spent every night watching csi and sleeping around 1 something in the morning. =) roughly like that. going to watch chicken little wif serene 2mrw... dunno whether shu coming or not ... ah well. and i bought a teeny tiny mah jong set. so now i can play. but no one in my housee to play wif me. humph =( wah. >.<

Posted by girlosophy; at 12:18 PM

January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007

aly wee.
2gy 06.
2sy 06.
2co 06.
2se 06.
2pe 06.
2gr 06.
1pe 05.
1co 05.
1se 05.
1gr 05.

amazing race 11.
prison break.
survivor 13.
survivor 14.