Wednesday, November 30, 2005

leaving for shanghai 2mrw.

top 10 songs stuck in my head
10. don't cha [pussycat dolls]
9. just the girl [click 5]
8. the geeks get the girl [american hi-fi]
7. girl in the band [haylie duff]
6. who's that girl [hilary duff]
5. jericho [hilary duff]
4. someone's watching over me [hilary duff]
3. here i am [marion raven]
2. rumors [lindsay lohan]
1. first [lindsay lohan]

schnauzy's bday today.
spastic xp

Posted by girlosophy; at 3:17 PM

Monday, November 28, 2005

i have to skip riding for 2 weeks. fuck it fuck it fuck it fuck it. pardon my horrible swearing. i'm really trying to cut back. =) sheehs. i have to go to CHINA of all places at the end of the week. ewewewewew. my friend told me something about squid ink n gingko ice cream. like gross. then the week after, there's a competition so i can't ride. unfortunately, i don't lease any horse there so no way i can take the horse to the heath track to ride. shitty. n i'm not competing coz not enuff time to train. = ( bleagh gggrrr. only like going to china coz i can find some dvds n mebbe some jackets. i've outgrown all of my jackets. they're up to my elbows. i'm probly gonna spend my nites watching csi miami n vegas i the hotel wif my mum anw. come to think of it, i won't have to wake up so eaarly there... no grandmother to nag at me to wake up. haha. hope i can bring my fone wif me. =)

Posted by girlosophy; at 12:07 PM

Friday, November 25, 2005

went to watch hp4 yesterday wif shu. a bit disappionting coz they cut out a LOT of parts. hmmm... anw, we had to take bus to hereen then bought the 11.20 show. [yaye. we thot there was only a 12pm show] then ate spinelli. ew. the pasta was DRENCHED in vinegar. bleagh. contented myself by drinking my ICE CHOCOLATE instead. haha. went shopping at hereen but din buy anything n got lost looking for someone's 'hairband' shop. took neos n came back. they're cutting more n more outa hp la... i don't think 2.5 hours wil be enuff for the 5th movie.

Posted by girlosophy; at 11:55 AM

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

christmas wishlist
1. raise your voice soundtrack
2. what a girl wants soundtrack
3. three days grace [that's the group name n the album name -.-]
4. lease a horse at btsc
5. go back to ellis brooks
6. ... hmmm ... haven't thought until there yet

Posted by girlosophy; at 1:21 PM

Monday, November 21, 2005

my hols were basically riding everyday, helping wendy take care of 6 horses everyday n going 2 maddington mall nearly everyday to eat n shop for horse stuff.
basically something most of the people who read this don't wanna do. taking care of 6 horses include-
1. mucking out 6 stalls several times for the 3 hours i spend at the stables per day.
2. mucking out tippy's n queue's wet bedding
3. and the basics that one SHOULD do.
-tacking up ur horse
-untacking your horse
-bathing your horse etc

i LURVE <33>

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:56 AM

Thursday, November 10, 2005

hmmm ... i've been entertaining myself by reading a lota mugglenet stuff. haha
1. haryr potter and the goblet of fire
2. just like heaven
3. domino
4. the chronicles of narnia: the lion, the witch and the wardrobe
5. chicken little
6. zathura
7. king kong
8. mission impossible III
9. Aquamarine
10. pirates of the carribean: dead man's chest

well ... 8, 9 and 10 are like coming out next year so ... no comments =)

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:11 PM

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

i'm sick. :(( slight fever, runny nose & sore throt. bleah =( but at least i dun need to go to tll now ...

Posted by girlosophy; at 1:35 PM

Monday, November 07, 2005

had so much fun yesterday!!! went out wif my church friends. went to alyssa's [not aly wee. this alyssa frm st marg's] house then walked out to the bus stop. so tiring. man tou da han. haha. then took bus to cine. booked tickets for SKY HIGH. super nice. anw, ate KFC n took neos while waiting for the moovie to start. the first ones were kinda messed up. we were all squished up. haha. then watched sky high. i like warren's poewr. so cool. then gwen reminds mi of that bitchy cheerleader in cinderella story. can't rmb her name. then went to hereen n walked around, took more neos. these ones were much better. hees =) so then bought a new pencil case for myself. hees. then went back home. rode oatie. ew. bitch. can't wait for this friday!!! i'm going back to perth!! can't wait to eat cincerello's again. -smacks and best of all, I GET TO RIDE EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by girlosophy; at 11:49 AM

Saturday, November 05, 2005

omg. i'm still craving to play mahjong after like a week?? haha. n i would kill for a haka maki now. -smacks yaye. going for sushi l8r. anw, going 2 perth n shanghai. hmmm... i mite compete in perth. c 1st ... i dunno ... tippy's back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's at ellis brooks!!!! happy happy happy!!!! she's the first horse, or rather pony, that i've every jumped cross country. so fun!!! n she's super puny. haha. then i'm gonna b working wif this 13.2 hh horse. just nice for me. considering that i'm not tall. haha. i'm so looking forward to going back!!!

Posted by girlosophy; at 12:42 PM

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

hmmm ... i'm sleepy ... -) haha. anw, went trick or treating wif aly n charmaine on monday. so fun. stupid charmaine pek made us go round the whole place asking for candy. we had sssooo much candy in the end. then she still dare to complain so little blocks. haha. no hard feelings charmaine. then watched tong xin yuan. then aly, her mum n charmaine taught me how to play mahjong. so fun!!! i'm craving to play. i'm actually playing it online now. haha. so then i was so blurr ... everything also dunno. but i managed to game twice. the 1st time confirm by luck. haha.

yesterday went to watch zorro wif nicole, charm, shu n cw. picked up pek n nicole. then met @ hereen fountain. as we were walking in we saw shu n cw walk in also. then nicole la. go n embarrass me n charmaine. she kept on shouting "WONG!" everyone was looking at her la. but i don't think she noticed. then spent arnd 2 hours in the theatre. got butt ache after that. then took neos. made a mess out of them then went back. yawn. all i did when i got home was watched csi miami n the 9 oclock show. haha. pigg. i'm insulting myself. bleahx

Posted by girlosophy; at 11:58 AM

January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007

aly wee.
2gy 06.
2sy 06.
2co 06.
2se 06.
2pe 06.
2gr 06.
1pe 05.
1co 05.
1se 05.
1gr 05.

amazing race 11.
prison break.
survivor 13.
survivor 14.