Tuesday, September 27, 2005

had so much funn during pe today. when 1st heard that had to go out of the skool to jog, i was like oh crap i'm gonna die. but auite funn. hees. -beams- so we jogged out o skool then i was at e back with nicole, zibing, lydia and aly [shu n glads in front o us] and gladys turned back and shouted "shuyang!!" then me and zibing started laughing and i tripped over my own feet. we climbed up the bridge and saw MORE shuyangs at the bus stop. then we were all giggling loudly when we passed them they stared at us. went to malcolm park. ran up and down the stairs thing. then had to run asap up and down again b4 e sec 2 class if not had 2 do 5 pushups. that was e motivation i need and i ran and mi and cassandra were e 1st ones to finish!! yaye. 1pe finish 1st. then climb up e slope. SO FUNN!!!! mi n aly were like oh yaye so fun. shu looked disgusted at the fact o getting her hands dirty. haha. so fun 2 climb. should do this more often. :))

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:58 PM

lalala. in skool now soi'm ALLOWED to go on e com. i haven't gone online for3 days. hee-beams- lalala. this stupid keyboard is so stiff. m talking to everyone in the class who's online. aaahhh. exams r like so damn close. gggrrr. :(( so sadd. -sniff- ai yar. too lazy to write more. byee -waves goodbye-

Posted by girlosophy; at 12:23 PM

Thursday, September 22, 2005

haven't updated in like a week.
15 more days til exams!! after that FREEDOM!!! -fascinates about going 2 orchard-
confirm go out on last day man
yaye!!! henry and aunty angie's coming tomorrow!!!! yaye!! [much 2 cheryl's dismay]
eng oral tomorrow. die for pic conversation.
did jumping on sun wif sandra's grp.
damn fun!!! XD
jumped OJ [amazing] wifout reins. damn cool mann. should consider rising him for next jumping competition. only prob --> he's gotta extremely bad temper and bites and kicks. :((
time 2 start mugging again :((

Posted by girlosophy; at 6:00 PM

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

m trying 2 study properly but not working!!! aaahhh!! i'm addicted to going online mann :(( sigh. so sadd. i must work harder!!! i must!!!!
omg. i sound like my mum.
on friday went 2 quidam wif shu. tjhe stupid womna at billy bomber's kept on saying reversations. stupid. then when i went to the toilet, there was this boy queuing up behind me like playing hide n seek wif e wall. weird. quidam was ssoo nice. but the singing was creepy.
on sat went 2 pick up aly to go 2 bugis 2 meet ying yi and denyse to watch teh cave. went there super early. then yy was close reading her archie comic. errr. -.-' she kept on 'close reading' until the lights in the theatre like totally shut off. then 4 o us shared pop corn. aly + denyse one half and mi + yy had e other. the only problem was that we spilled like half on it on our shoes n i got so many stuck to my shoes frm sweeping them away.
ha. took neoprints. messed both of them up. heck
went riding. rode songkla on sat AND sun. silly horse freaked on sat and i lost both my stirrups. :(( silly baby. and amazingly i managed to stay on. *wonders how* and on sun i was a bit like scared he would take off wif me again. coz for my last 2 lessons, [both on him. yaye] he freaked. he freaked on the sand track and race horse galloped FOUR rounds and freakes on sat. so like now a bit scared la.
amnd my mum promise me that if i do well in my exams, she'll get me my VERY OWN HORSE!!!!!!!
her reason is that coz e horses @ saddle club r either too small, too freaky, to horrible or too advanced n uncontrollable for me to jump. ha. she only said that coz she saw songkla freak. but i'm not complaining coz i MIGHT get a horse of MY OWN!!!!!!!!!! yaye!!! XD

Posted by girlosophy; at 6:14 PM

Thursday, September 08, 2005

i hate it when this happens!!!!
i hate it when the part time maid cleans and unplugs my printer connection!!!!!!!!!!!
the last time THIS happened, it took my dad 6 months to fix it!!! crap. now i can't upload stuff onto my com from my camera!!!

>.<' --> pissed off

Posted by girlosophy; at 1:28 PM

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

nothing to say ...



can't wait for both!!

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:20 PM

Monday, September 05, 2005

that shorty next door is playing his guitar!!!!!! and WHY am i complaining?? because his guitar is out of tune. just like he's friend's singing!! omg. i seriously need earplugs. dunno how charmaine could stand it ... must get tips from her. -writes it in notebook- i can't wait for friday and saturday!! so happy i can skip tll in fri. yayy!! gladys and shammy are sssooo jealous. muahahahahahahahahaha. this gladys is gladys seah. not kee. my head is gonna burst. :(( been studying from 1pm to 4.30pm. wanna die. x hahas. have to get all my homework done if not my mum won't let me go out this weekend. :(( evvvilll. hees. you know ... e teachers think that we r like v feree during e hols. so like give us sssooo much homeworkk. :(( bleahx. should give THEM some sorta homework to do. humph. if only we could.

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:51 PM

Thursday, September 01, 2005

teacher's day yesterday was sssoo funn!! the dancing was like a bit errrr. -shudders- at 1st i was like standing next to ck. when we started dancing, she started flinging her arms about n i had 2 bump into shu everytime one of her tree like arms came flying in my direction. like so scared she hit me. so enthu somemore. mebbe she wants 2 join dance. hahas. xp. being v evvil. then ahem was like so exaggerated. there was e snake thing ... she did until like so slut. then e shake ur butt thing was worse. then there was another person also so enthu. when i was next 2 ck i was like trying 2 get shu 2 switch place wif mi. hehes. then had e 1pe's brainest teacher. hahas. section a was e funniest. especially the wakatoo question. mi n shu were laughing when key asked serene if cheryl rli had a bf called wakatoo. then when we were in e amphi, mi n shu were standing behind mr ang n then we were trying not 2 laugh 2 loud coz his head looked 2 big 4 e crown. then bing went 2 take a pic o mr teo's head wif e crown 4 laughing at. hahahas. e performances were nice. gtg ... mum's nagging

Posted by girlosophy; at 9:36 PM

January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007

aly wee.
2gy 06.
2sy 06.
2co 06.
2se 06.
2pe 06.
2gr 06.
1pe 05.
1co 05.
1se 05.
1gr 05.

amazing race 11.
prison break.
survivor 13.
survivor 14.