Monday, August 29, 2005

the bitching has STARTED

i think

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:07 PM

Saturday, August 27, 2005

before any of you people accuse me of saying bad things of my friends, this regards NO ONE FROM SCGS BUT FROM CHURCH.

i'm getting irritated wif ______ and ______ ... i'm not gonna elaborate y though but it's juz bugging mi. n there's juz 1 prob. it's like i want to know abt ____ but they dun tell mi coz i dun like ____. that's e prob. i mean like give it 2 or 3 yrs and then we'll b like sec 3 or 4. then start _____ them. i mean like obviously i dun care abt them now but in e future hu knows. ha. anw, what i want in e future only i know. HA. no one will b able to pry it out frm mi. HA. not as if i tell ____ ______ ... it's pissing mi off. i know it shouldn't. but it IS. i tell u ... ____'s _____ of ____ is driving a gab btw us. like isn't 13 abit ____ to fancy ____????? y can't they accept that i don't like them now??? so what if i like not liking them?? they r so narrow minded.

anw ... not gonna let their irritating behaviour destroy my weekend. rode SONGKLA today!!!!! i lurve that horse. hees. XD not gonna say anymore coz NO ONE even CARES about that. no one CARES who i ride since no one has ANY interest in horses but ALL are drooling ova ____. cept a few people hu thankfully are SANE.

Posted by girlosophy; at 9:19 PM

Friday, August 26, 2005

the little black filly's bloodlines

*-sire]]*- *-dam]]*-
The Black + ______
*-the little black filly]]*-

finally found a name i like for the little black filly.
you people must think i'm madd. hahas.

Posted by girlosophy; at 3:45 PM

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

u muz b wondering y i chose this music vdo of all reasons. click on e line above the rewind and fast forward button and wait 4 a while. you'll c why i picked it. x)

4 days since i last posted ...

juz came back from paragon. had 2 go there myself after skool. hahas. anw ... this woman wanted 2 take my taxi when i was gonna come back. i was obviously waiting 4 e taxi then she juz stand there and hold the taxi door looking v grouchy. when i told her that i was waiting 4 e taxi, she looked so insulted, embarrassed and angry. crazee.

serene's ad was so sick. hahas. then eataaana was going on abt like that we shouldn't b 2 noisy wait next yr we hear our juniors say that eataaana is horrible and every1 dun like her.

like errr ... we alreadie dun like her. what's her prob. sheesh. better go ... still o cw 2 testis ... ha x)

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:08 PM

Friday, August 19, 2005

ok. here's a heads-up. from now on, all the pictures here are gonna be horses and + a few 1pe pictures. heehees. x)

i have found my new trademark. thx 2 aly wheeeeeee x) it's what i drew 4 e art t shirt 2 day; e flying piggies!!!!!! hahahahahahas. i'm being mad. so sad can't like print out Old Manth stuff. sighz.

i lurve my new skin!!!! i like changed quite a lota stuff from e original so dun try 2 find it. hahas. :P

crap. got tll soon ... heck. gonna post more pictures now ... bbyee

Posted by girlosophy; at 3:37 PM

this address is NO LONGER in use.

please go to this new address. this is brenda's new blog address.

Posted by girlosophy; at 3:34 PM

Thursday, August 18, 2005

testing testing ...

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:29 PM

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

yay!! finally found the singer of if we hold on together!!! x) this is now my new blog song. nice rite?? from land b4 time!!! i lurved that show when i was a kid ... i think i still have the laser discs ... hahas. lyrics as follows -

Don't lose your way with each passing day.
You've come so far, don't throw it away.
Live believing - dreams are for living,
Wonders are waiting to start.
Live your story - Faith, Hope and Glory
Hold to the truth in your heart.

If we hold on together,
I know our dreams will never die.
Dreams see us through to forever
Where clouds roll by,
For you and I.

Souls in the wind must learn how to bend,
Seek out a star, hold on to the end.
Valley mountain, there is a fountain
Washes our tears all away.
Worlds are swaying - someone is praying,
Please let us come home to stay

If we hold on together,
I know our dreams will never die.
Dreams see us through to forever
Where clouds roll by,
For you and I.

When we are out there in the dark,
We'll dream about the sun.
In the dark we'll feel the light,
Warm our hearts, every one.

If we hold on together,
I know our dreams will never die.
Dreams see us through to forever
As high as souls can fly,
The clouds roll by,
forYou and I.

damn nice right?? x)
serene will like this ... x)

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:25 PM

Monday, August 15, 2005

had e WORST horse riding lessons in a v long tme this weekend. x(( rode james on sat and sucked coz he wouldn't even do a right canter properly. rode SONGKLA on sun and ROCKED. 'cept that it was gonna rain n like 5 minutes in 2 e lesson it started 2 drizzle and songkla started 2 freak a bit. [he hates rain and sudden changes in weather] so like 10 minutes l8r, e rain was like pouring i had 2 do a simple change in canter so songkla refused 2 canter and tried 2 buck mi off when i tapped him wif mi whip. such a big baby. after did e simple change in canter for like 5 times in 5 min [tommy is such a slave driver] and then had 2 go down coz songkla was like getting v wet and i tink he was tired coz he ususally plods along in most lessons and i made him canter like 10 rounds in less than 20 minutes. hahas. but that was e only gd part o mi weekend.

found out 2dae in skool we're gonna have a lit AND eng test 2mrw. end straight after lit. e bias queen is such a bitch. and her lesson is ssooo boring and she doesn't even know how 2 explain stuff properly. maths sucked as usual. pre-om was fun coz we gotta play games. hahas. x)) voted 4 ahem, ahem, ahem and ahem 4 prefects. they so deserve it. hahas.

aaahhh ... can't find the song if we hold on together on iwebtunes!!! ggrrr x(( sadd. lurve that song. it's from land b4 time. i tink tha e dinosaurs r so cute!! especially ally in #4!!!!

beta go cram some lit crap in my head now ... bbyes

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:52 PM

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

omg. i juz had the most fun 2 days E.V.A!!!

went 2 nicole's house on monday and milo is ssssoooo ccuuttee!!!! <3<3<3>

no way i'm gonna cry in front of a guy afer what happened in K1. no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no freaking way.

watched charlie and e choc factory wif shu today. damn wacky. not v fantasic but quite interesting. i'll watch lotr over this anyday. then went 2 buy ________'s present. went 2 cine leisure down there to take neoprints. we totally wasted $6 on this lousy card type neoprint machine. so ugly. and we tried this other machine and like damn gd coz don't ahve time limit. hahas. we look like retards in one of them. but heck. then came back 2 mi house and play. we played badminton over the gate. so farnie. hahas.

sigh. got to do skool hw 2mrw. sigh. >.<'

Posted by girlosophy; at 9:53 PM

Thursday, August 04, 2005


she is such an irritating, second guessing, posing, act chio and sweet shole. she is sssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooo irritating. she looks 2 deep into things that dun mean ANYTHING. ok ... here's wat happened

mie!!: can i can this correct ... [fighting 4 marks]
eataaana: no cannot [blah blah blah]
mie!!!: *made a face showing irritatedness*
eataanaa: brenda, r u ok?? u seem quire dull nowadays?? r u ok??
mie!!!: *wasn't expecting that* err ... ok ...
eataaana: r u sure ur ok??? ur quite dull now...
mie!!!: *trying 2 get out of this horrible situation asap* err ... sleep a bit late sometimes coz got hw. a bit stress but ok la ...
eataaana: izzit ur horse riding??
mie!!!: no ... i only ride twice a week on weekends *thinking 2 miself 'huh???'*
eataaana: u sure arh ... i want u 2 feel like u can come and talk 2 me if u want 2 ... u know that u can tok 2 mi right??
mie!!!: *said errr excuse mi to myself* errr ... right ... ok ...
eataaana: [after class] brenda, can u meet mi l8r after skool?
mie!!!: got cca at 2 finish @ 330 [trying 2 get out o toking 2 her]
eataaana: can u meet mi 2mrw after skool
mie!!!: no. got appointment
eataaana: how bout break 2mrw??
mie!!!: where?
eataaana: nvm. come and look 4 mi in the morning b4 assembly.
mie!!!: ok ... *thinking abt coming late or hiding*
eataaana: i just wanna tok 2 u ... i have a 6th sense 4 these things ...
mie!!!: right ... ok ..
eataana: *left class*

errr waat was that all abt???

dull???????? i'm not talking so much in her class anymore. does she want mi 2 go back and tok my head off???????

H.O.W D.A.R.E S.H.E I.N.P.L.Y T.H.A.T S.H.E T.H.I.N.K.S T.H.A.T M.Y H.O.R.S.E R.I.D.I.N.G I.S I.N.T.E.R.F.E.R.I.N.G W.I.F M.Y C.O.N.D.U.C.T?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I'L.L T.H.R.O.T.T.L.E H.E.R T.O D.E.A.T.H T.H.E S.T.O.O.P.I.D M.O.T.H.E.R.*.*.*.*.*.*!!!!!!

that person is MAD. she should b in a mental institude.

go and talk to her?????? i keep all my secrets to myself, schnauzy and songkla. no humans. not even my friends. not even my bestest best friend. and she thinks that i will tell her what's going on inside my head?????????? she is a LOON. i tell my fave animals in e world my secrets coz they can't tell on mi. HA.

and her having a 6th sense abt this??? PAH!!! what utter crappy nonsense. if she has a 6th sense, it's crap. and i heard that she went 2 talk 2 other people from other sec 1 classes and they went back in2 class C.R.Y.I.N.G.

and she expects me to talk to her?? no freaking way man

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:54 PM

Monday, August 01, 2005

wasted e whole eng period. e tan and kee collected e donation draw tickets. maths S.U.C.K.E.D. i tink mrs lee can't stand mi; since i eat in her class, neva pay attention, read under her nose and talk too much to charmaine and sarah. HA. like i care what she tinks. got e maths back. i so wish i was absent 4 this test. if i DIN take this stoopid test, i would have gotten A1. but since i TOOK this stoopid test, i gota A2. gggrrr. [i dun rli care but my mum does and i beta do beta if i wanna go 2 perth and c tipsy and abel again] i know another person [can't sae hu] also wishes she din take this 2nd test. haha. chinese slack. talked e whole lesson and got scolded a bit 4 not doing the draft 2 4 e malacca trip compo. ew. gym damn stoopid. science quite ok. can't wait 4 e ice cream lesson. cme or pre-om was so NOT fun. do e tchrs think that we r v free???? have SO much time to do this sorta stuff???assembly was boring. bleah.

hope i do well 4 geog 2mrw ... gonna study l8r. science still got 1 more chp 2 study. e last science test confirm fail la har ... die die die die die die. all my test marks r decreasng. cept lit and geog. i study my ass off 4 geog coz it's e only other subject i can get A1 besides it. my mum is so gonna kill mi 4 mi dismal maths score. aaaahhhh

feel like jumping in my neighbour's pool. so damn hot ...

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:02 PM

January 2005
February 2005
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February 2006
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aly wee.
2gy 06.
2sy 06.
2co 06.
2se 06.
2pe 06.
2gr 06.
1pe 05.
1co 05.
1se 05.
1gr 05.

amazing race 11.
prison break.
survivor 13.
survivor 14.