Sunday, July 31, 2005

watching president star charity now ... tay ping hui looks v evvil in e tux and sunglasses. vincent ng looks like he's wishing he's attracting all e mosquitos by wearing black everything. i like e song which zoe tay and andrea d cruiz sang 2. it's frm land b4 time. :)) e will smith man in black rap song was nice. it;s like so sad they only raised like $443080 so far. .
i tink they raised like ova a milllion $$. zoe tay's dress is so damn ew. >.<'

quickly quickly

sat --> watched tv e whole day. rode my other big baby A.E.O.L.U.S. yay!! XDXD *side track - it's now $1200860!! great. much beta ... wait!! it's much much more!! - $3757185!!! not sad anymore :)) -)* anw ... bacj to horses ...

rode wifout stirrups, sitting trot, rising trot and jumping position. his trot is ssssoooo smooth!!!! mebbe i should ride him 4 e novice 2.1 in end september ... *thinking*

sun -->classes as usual. saw mi church friends but only 3 outa 5. G invited L and his friend 2 join us during mass. ew. >.<' u could imagine e disgusted lok on mi face. >.<' rode hank!! XD he's such a nice horsey. hahas. :)) he's like only 6 or 7 so i c he forges ... same wif aeolus ... anw ... changing mi class. starting next week, 4pm private wif sandra on sat and on sun, 615pm group jumpers wif sandra. can't wait ... i'm sssooo ready for a bigger challenge and i tink i'll get in in sandra's class. X)

Posted by girlosophy; at 9:50 PM

Friday, July 29, 2005

lalala ... i'm borerdd so i'm juz uploading pictures ...Image hosted by
this is a picture from one of my shirts ... though i don't think that i can fit it anymore ...Image hosted by pictures from my fave anime :)) Image hosted by

i juz like this pic. :))Image hosted by

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:18 PM

Thursday, July 28, 2005

art sucks. big time. the only thing worth toking abt is pe. so fun. played bball. i muz b catching bball fever. i actually find bball more fun than captain's ball. hha. then again in bball u can snatch e ball. haha. art sux. dunno wad paper relief need 2 do. got science 2 study 4 but this 1 quite ez. after baddie, saw zibing and went 2 play bball wif her 4 abt 45 minutes. getting beta at shooting. haha. but i can only shoot under basket and from the right of the hoop. ai yar ... but beta than not bing able 2 shoot @ all. haha. [zibing] next time u stay back call mi ... mebbe i'll not b so tired frm baddie or mebbe i'll b in a mood 2 learn how 2 do layup.

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:48 PM

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

gonna do badly for hist. maths minus 2 marks already. found out i hv 2 swim if i wan mi back 2 straighten. >.<' boring dae. gonna study geog l8r.

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:41 PM

Monday, July 25, 2005

lalala ... boredd ... gonna do badly for history 2mrw. sigh. started studying geog. bleah. >.<' rode WG in sat and we r on on sun. spent mostt o sat staying @ home watching FRIENDS!!!! X) haha. v free hor. i NEVA study on weekends. i muz b madd if i do. only study then if got bigg exam like psle. finished my music proj at long last on friday. X))haha. so happie ... gt 16.5 for e lit proj ... but e swimmer's grp got more. :(( anw ... science was v farn. much beta than all o kee's lessons put 2gether. but e woman was toking quite loud. poo shu and aly had spit on them when tt woman spoke. hahas. 1st team back. :)) cme was VERY farnie ... especially when doudou told e storee of cw. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD
i laughed until i cried. but e last part o e lesson was damn gross. then after assembly, the stoopid swimmer was walking bhind mi, a and d and she was listening 2 wad s, g, cp, cw, zb and n were toking abt. so kpo. nothing beta 2 do. suck up 2 tchrs enuff still muzz eavesdrop. so free go stalk someone else lah. irritating --

i might be leasing songkla!!! hope hope hope. *x all 10 fingers*

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:10 PM

Friday, July 22, 2005

teachers are getting ssoo evvil ... giving us so much homework ...
now adding onto the load of aramanth map, disney book, studying for tests, now, we have some stoopid ridiculous art homework. life is s sucky. >.<' next time got proj, i alreadie yue to partner ________ and of it's 3 people, then we invite _________ to join us if she don't mind. :)) geog damn slack. eng damn boring. chinese damn slack. so happy ... got 32 for chinese. but i forgot 2 bring e paper home ... hope dun need 2 hand in on monday for checking ... but knowing lao shi she probly forget. haha.

heard from rachel in SY that nearly all the classes have nominated their prefects and as long as u ge ONE vote, u r a prefect nominee ... like so weird lah ... in pri skool is all tchr nominate than students vote ... if i'm nominated, i'm so not gonna b 1 ... can't slack anymore and have 2 listen 2 baboon's squeaky voice. haha

Posted by girlosophy; at 3:47 PM

Thursday, July 21, 2005

i'm getting worried abt _________ ... _____'s been _________ in ________ like twice already ... i think ____'s hiding something from me ...

mebbe ____'ll tell mi in time to come ....

history was soo boring ... no idea what ms quek was saying ... sound so bimbotic ... science ... hmmm ... spent most of it doing unfinished science homework and talked. eng = soso. chinese super slack. as usual.

stayed back to do lit project until 530. haha. watching the end of joey.

oops ... gtg go now. got history 2 study. ew.

Posted by girlosophy; at 9:21 PM

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

so much work!!! let out the work i have to do
1. lit proj --> map of aramanth [due monday]
2. music proj --> my little disney book [due in a week]
3. lit --> wind singer chapter summary [due monday]
4. lit --> close read til chapter 5 [due monday]
5. lit --> mind map from chapter 1 - 8 [due monday]
6. science --> turning effects rubbish [due tomorrow]
7. art --> colour wheel [due friday]

i don;t think i should go on ...

aaahhh ...

so much homework now!!!!

and i have eye bags now!!! i neva had them b4.

not going 2 rite abt mi dae coz it sucked big time.

Posted by girlosophy; at 6:38 PM

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

hightlight o mi weekend -->
1st prize riding aeolus
2nd prize going 2 glads party ... for elaboration, go 2 gladys's/shu's/pek's blogs

Posted by girlosophy; at 3:42 PM

Thursday, July 14, 2005

bleah. got cme proj to do. got the stoopid time line rubbish for lit 2 do. [gonna copy someone] got music proj to do. :( but it's on disney songs!! :) but it's individual work. :( sadd. had art. stoopid cw drew on mi. but i drew back. stuff she and ying yi did when mi and sarah cheong popped in was gr8. v nice. XP [thumbs up] and my source [not telling =X] tells mi that someone looked v nice in a skirt @ e maddcap. hmmm ... *pretends to be thinking hard* i wonder who ... apparently, *hehex XD* she let her hair down and wore a pleated skirt and hmmm ... saw my source and ran for it. haha. XD laughing like shit. so farnie this person. go and guess who. i tink u all can guess alreadie :))

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:39 PM

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

hi. in skool now. stoopid kee took up like so much of our rap period and nearly caught us sneaking out. when kee suddenly appeared @ the back door when we were sneaking out, i pretended to b asking shu yin whether she took my pen. haha. hope old kee was fooled. *cross fingers* anw ... the new coms in the lab nex 2 e hall rock lah. so damn cool. i'm gonna ask 4 that for my christmas present if i don't get 85% and above for everything. if i get more than 85%, i get a horse of my own. yyay!! XD sooo ... pc was so ... well ... 1/2 so damn blah aka dull and 1/2 amusing. i like found out that i'm a bit of all everything that mrs t gave. the multi intellect rubbish. maths was as usual blah but haha i can read under PL's nose coz i do my work properly. haha. sound so damn ego. got english l8r. ew. so B.O.R.I.N.G.

ps ... like the glitters?? i find them real nice. go to tagboard anmd links to see 2 of the nicest ones. :))

Posted by girlosophy; at 1:26 PM

Monday, July 11, 2005

quick entry.

spent my weekend at saddle club. spent abt 20 hours there in 2 daes. haha.

rode bareback [wifout saddle and briddle] on alfred [lauren's horse] and rode lobo and biscuit on sunday. on sat, rode we are on in my lesson. sue on sun and sandra on sat. so nice not 2 get nagged at. [i'm riding wif less experienced riders but beta to ride than not ride at all]

on sun ... sue was pissed wif e other riders coz lil' red was ramming his nose in2 biscuit's [hu i rode 1st] butt and lobo was cutting corners and trying 2 bite biscuit. so switched to lobo. my sweet lil' brat. he bullies green riders. they all can't stand him.

got on him and taught him a lesson. he was like moving so slow b4. then [haha] when sue wasn't looking, i made him gallop 4 like 5 strides and back 2 canter to wake him up. naughty mi. muahahahahahahahaha.

and some idiot stole my beloved fone. gggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
so my dad digged up his old fone and gave it 2 mi. and all mi pics of schnauzy as a pup and shadow [dear sweet shadow] are gone bcoz of that *excuse mi for my language but i m realli damn bloody pissed* fucking asshole who has nothing beta to do otehr than sneak around the stable looking for frigging fones 2 steal.

i'm done.

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:55 PM

Thursday, July 07, 2005

quick recap.

music taken up by some stoopid duck woman. PL took our recess so we had 2 periods of maths. ew. was eating all thru and mi, laura and zb were trying 2 throw m 'n' m s in2 cw's mouth. missed most of the time. haha. 8 2 bowls o mee pok coz v hungry bt 11.10 when we had recess. embarrassed shu coz e acs boys wanted us 2 buy their tickets. science = boring. spent it toking 2 sarah. disappeared 2 com lab during rap. were slaves 4 kee during pc ... had 2 fold some brochures 4 e madcapp. should gv us CIP hours. the swimmer was staring @ mi and pek again. could tell pek was very pissed off. she's like so obssessed wif staring. then teh suck up was butting in everytime mi and pek were toking and everytime i was toking 2 zb. so irritating.

today ... hmmm ...

mrs bowness din come but convinced ms tan 2 let us play bball!! wanna sae sry 2 all those people hu i accidentaly hit during pe. had hist ... so boring. e duck din wear heels 5 inches thick 2 dae. but like her voice so squeaky. had science, boring as eva. had free eng period, ms tan came in. was sitting wif pek, cw, glads, zb and nicole. laughed so hard @ all the farnie stories they told abt their siblings and their kindergartens. liked pek's fake fruit story and cw's ... errr ... beta not sae. but damn farnie. XDXDXDXD chinese test, gonna fail. get less than 8. then did some letter writing thing and then fooled around. serene fell off her chair. haha. that's abt it. played a fool @ baddie. haha. and here i am ... now ... typing ... being lame. gtg. bb

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:11 PM

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

my survivor twin is STEPHANIE!!!!!!!

Posted by girlosophy; at 6:48 PM

lost debate. dun care. so sick. dun wanna win it anw. and dun need 2 stay back anymore for it. muahahahahahahahahaha. check out teh fun stuff i got. click profile. it'll entertain u. haha. happie reading. this is like so short compared to the last few. and the idiot nex 2 mi is playing bball again. e bballers should teach him how 2 play. sheesh. all i hear is the ball bouncing on the floor and outa the basket.

Posted by girlosophy; at 6:14 PM

Monday, July 04, 2005

omg. my mum is sssooo evvvil. she said that i can't go out wif mi cuz to watch war of the worlds, that she'll neva let mi go to escape theme park and neva let mi go on a roller coaster. juz bcoz she's scared silly of falling out of the roller coaster seat doesn't mean i'm scared. so irritating. and my dad was like, 'which do u prefer?? horse riding or roller coaster??'
excuse mi??? has he been listening to our conversation?? what has horse riding have anything to do wif roller coasters???

this is like so unfair.

anw ... sandra is being so evil ... not rli lah ... but she's chucking mi on all the horses that are labelled difficult. examples of difficult --> bucks, bolts, rears, bad attitude, stiff on one leg [that means doesn't go so well on either the right or left] ubt i like the challenge. haha. but it'll still be nice to be on a nice calm pony once in a while. tough i tink that i'm gonna b riding penny for the nex jumping competition now that i can jump her wifout her rushing. yyay!! XD

on saturday, i was dumped on songkla!! yyay!! XD mi fave horsey!! haha. aka bugs bunny. should take some of you to btsc one dae. haha. anw ...songkla needs braces. XP anw ... songkla no longer bolts or bucks wif mi [yyay!! i'm making progress] and did eazee canter lead change. tried it a couple of times but couldn't get it coz i juz cantered like 5 rounds. after a break i got i on e 1st try!! yyay!!! XD

on sundae, plopped on citi garden. no beginner can ride that horse. that horse is like so hard to get to canter on the right. once u finally get him to canter on the rite, he goes like super fast coz he's unbalanced. i tried like 3 times to ge it right but HA. no way man. but i was being evil that dae. muahahahahahahahaha. made him execute the flying lead change. HA. but e likes 2 swerve when he's on the right. and that's not his only problem. when he stands stl 2 2 long, the flies lurrve him. dunno y. then he'll kick and bite his sides. saw a beginner on him once when he kicked and bit himself. she shrieked, "the horse is going 2 bite mi!!!!! help!!!!!" and started kicking him and jerking the reins. the poor horse 'ran away' wif her. he actually only trotted away and she was going on abt what a 'horrible' horse he was. stoopid girl. anw ... that was the last time he's had a beginner lesson.

my entries are getting way way too long. beta stopp here.

Posted by girlosophy; at 1:13 PM

Friday, July 01, 2005

this is a very long entry mind u so brace yourselves.

omg. i was like so scared juz now la. u know i went into the kitchen to get something 2 eat rite. then my grandma was cutting fruits and schnauzy was sitting behind her, staring @ the fruits, then she [schnauzy] suddenly started yelping. not those pathetic yelps. it's like serene cai screaming BUT louder and more high pitch. so freaky. then she started running and yelping at the top of her lungs. she was acting so scary and freaky. i was like screeching, "schnauzy .... schnauzy ... come her girl girl ... got fruits!!" in this like rli high pitch voice which i've neva used b4. then she climbed on the couch and then i noticed that the part of the couch she was standing on was like wet. [she was so frightened that she peed] anw ... then mi and mi grandma took her outside to c wat was rong wif her then i carried her and tehn she started yelping and running like mad again. and she ran around my garden like twice so damn fast [as fast as shadow] and then she tripped and fell and continued running to the back of the house and hid under the outside shoe rack which we use 4 the washing stuff. then she pooped and pd. like omg rite ... animals only do that when they're RLI scared. i was like so terrified. i thot wad happened to her. i called mi mum and couldn't even tok properly.

i've neva been like this b4. i tink it was coz the thing i love most in the wurld is schnauzy la. and i told my grandma that we should take her to the vet but she said dun need coz take her to the vet costs money. i was like going in my head, "sssooo?????? " it's like beta if we take ehr so that we dun need 2 worry if there IS something wrong wif her. so irritating. so i'm like carrying schnauzy everywhere. she's on my mum's bed now.

anw ... skool was like so blah. had maths 1st period. ew. -.- zzz zzz <-- haha. anw ... cw din go 2 slp 2dae so couldn't trick her. humph :P haha. i was the one falling asleep. PL is like sssooo irritating la. i hvn't copied finish the answer for the question i dunno how 2 do then i told her that i'm not done copying corrections and then that stoopid ahole [can't sue mi for slander] said, "nonono ... cannot copy. no time. u do your corrections yourself." like HOW to do corrections if u dunno how to do the question?? she is like so damn stoopid la. wasted like 20 minutes outside the chinese rm coz e squrriel thot zheng lao shi came 2dae. science was like so ... ... indescribable. in a terrible and boring way. like we alreadie learnt forces in P5 and P6, so y do u need teach it again. for eng, ms tan came back and she like totally has no control of the class. then had a debate. this house believes that teachers have the easier life. or something like that. so stoopid. should have done the one that we're supposed 2 do nex tues la. and wat's more ... rachel ong from 1se is debating for their class. i dun tink cheryl wong will turn up to support us. haha.

anw ... shadow is no longer mine. found an adopter for her. a dog lurrver recommended by a dog trainer. i guess i'm quite ok wif it. coz i know that we can't like keep her here or train her properly. grandmother --> too old mum --> a bit scared of shadow coz she's so big dad --> not in singapore enuff mi --> too busy training and studying so i guess i can still visit her ...

life sux. big time. i wanna go ride gold ridge. the only place i can be truly happy is on horse back. ridden so long it's like second nature.

Posted by girlosophy; at 3:41 PM

January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007

aly wee.
2gy 06.
2sy 06.
2co 06.
2se 06.
2pe 06.
2gr 06.
1pe 05.
1co 05.
1se 05.
1gr 05.

amazing race 11.
prison break.
survivor 13.
survivor 14.