Thursday, June 30, 2005

omg. my hands are aching like mad. i'm lie half way thru my art assignment 1. haha. i tink i'm the only mad person who is doing the artwork today. hahas. anw ... got the password code!! finally. now i can keep this private between my friends and people who are irritating are not allowed. muahahahahahahaha!!! i'm evvvil. haha. my finger's still a bit swollen. [whacked it against the bball during pe todae] and my knee is still damn painful. after i sit for too long, my knee will like be so painful when i walk. dunno how i'm gonna ride on saturday and sunday. art was like so dull today coz it was the first lesson. suppose to find research on 2 famous sculptors and do the animal u want 2 make a wire sculpture of in 4 different poses. done 1. like so much work to do. got geog [finish til pg 68], art assignment 1, art assignment 2, maths supp exe 55, learning lab english summary --> due tomorrow and i have 2 do 40 situps and 20 pushups. i beta get some ice ready. my kness gonna ache like mad after the situps. i have like 4 scars on my left knee from falling @ e playground at my old house, falling on the road during napfa in pri 5, scrapping myself when i broke my arm and the last one was when i fell off the horse and whacked my knne against the jumping poles on the ground. this is great. just gat. now i have 'bo ko' knees as my grandma calls it. and what's more, i have finished all my negima anime comics and the most interesting part is coming up but it's in the bok #11 and it's not out for another 6 months!!!!!!!! [u guys must think i'm mad but i dun careeeeee] i want negima anime comics book #11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:16 PM

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

omg. my legs hurt like crazy. everything i try 2 sit, my legs give way. sigh. ohohoh!! then that person living next 2 mi hor ... when i was playing badminton wif mi mum, that person was taking out the trash and then my mum said that the person was staring @ me!!!!! aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! worse nightmare come true!!! omg. it could mean 2 things. 1. if that person is a girl, she's a les. if it's a guy --> uh oh ... but i can handle. juz kick his shorty ass. haha. then that same neighbour was playing bball again. this time @ 8.30 am. like it's a holiday ... people sleep in on holidaes. they dun wake up so early. weirdo. can c y some people [u no hu i'm toking abt] can't stand y neighbour.

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:33 PM

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

omg ... i can't believe it lar. i seriously thot that the lit test would b like v hard. but it's like so ez. chinese compo juz wrote crap. then maths was juz as boring but mi, pek and sarah entertained ourselves by tricking cw twice in2 tinking that mrs lee was calling her 2 answer a question. haha. the 2nd time she actually stood up. haha. even shu yin and aly were laughing all the way in the back. hahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! XD so farnie. then l8r mr teo [new geog tchr] came in and was like so farnie lah. 4 once i din fall asleep during geog. haha. then during eng replacement, mi and glads were toking crap again. haha. i'm so slacking 2dae. haven;t done any work @ all. no skool 2mrw. yyay!!!! XD

omg. that leon is starting to play bball A.G.A.I.N!!! so damn noisy. X(

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:35 PM

Monday, June 27, 2005

i'm bored so i'm tinking abt what someone [u no hu u r] said in skool during our free period saying that i'm more boy than her. so it's like so weird lah. i mean i hate skirts but i lurvve pink, and the fact that i'm strong like guy [omg ... that part sounds like so weird] i'm still a G.I.R.L. sssooo ... hence my msn screen name --> *-brenda-* i am a girl who hates skirts but loves pink so am i more girl than boy or more boy than girl it's your decision and i don't care i like myself the way i am no one can change me but me

Posted by girlosophy; at 8:01 PM

Sunday, June 26, 2005

i no i seem like a feminist from my pink girly blogskin, but i rli lurve this song. currently my favourite. breaking the habit by linkin park. whoo-hoo. anw ... i wanted everythin on this blog 2 b al girls. but un4tunately, this is a boy band. omg. im like so sparstic now. hahahahahaha [acting stoopid]

Posted by girlosophy; at 9:48 PM

omg. dae b4 skool. so fast. aaaahhhh!!!! i haven't finished reading the chinese book [the one tested on tuesday]/finished the book review, a bit of my science and a bit of my maths. help!! hahas. [omg. mtv's been playing michael jackson songs for e last 30 minutes. he is like so sucky lar. changing channel to animal planet] anw ... had a LOTR trilogy marathon yesterdae. haha. watched e 1st moovie @ 12 midnight and slept @ 3am. then finished watching the rest in the afternoon and evening. now having a harry potter marathon. haha. :P 1/2 way thru e 2nd moovie o e series. can't wait for the 6th book to come out. [16 july] rode and jumped [60cm] penny yesterdae. oso did cantering poles. i tink i may lease her. rode gold ridge todae. a lota people told mi tt he lurrved to buck like songkla and stanley and would easily freak. but he was like so nice lor ... tell u hor ... i was like so scared of him when i had 2 mount him coz his stable manners r horrible. i thot he would be like oj [ocean jupiter --> bad reputation for trying to kick/bite you when ur on ground] did cantering poles. he's like such a NICE horse. XD gr8 to ride. i'm like so happie t i couldn't trade him for biscuit. i dun rli c gold ridge being taken out much. only in sandra's sundae 6.15 pm advanced jumper's class. haha. tommy said that he [goldie] used 2 b ridden by peter and his star student lennert [i tink tt's his name] all teh time and that they would b rough wif him and like kick and whip him unneccessarily and yank him round corners. no wonder he used 2 buck so much. so like only the stronger more advanced riders can jump him around 100cm or more. i'm one o e lucky few hu can ride him. haha. sandra's cing hu can ride him coz they're hving a shortage of ponies @ btsc i tink ... for the beginners course. so anw ... gtg ... mi mum is nagging @ mi 4 bing online @ 9.40pm. it's not even 10 yet. sheesh. anw ... gota do 40 sit ups and 20 push ups.

Posted by girlosophy; at 9:41 PM

Friday, June 24, 2005

i'm was bored so i made this quiz. go take it. test your luck. haha">Take my Quiz!

Posted by girlosophy; at 1:41 PM

Thursday, June 23, 2005

i'm so bored. there's ike nuttin 2 do at home. thx gdness skool is reopeing soon. may hv 2 listen 2 tchrs nag and hv homework, but beta than bing stuck @ home all dae wif no 1 to tok 2. juz finished studying geog chp 23. :( mother's orders. -.-' aniwaiz, it's sssooo boring. :( tt's all i wanna sae. haha.

Posted by girlosophy; at 3:23 PM

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

yyay!!! XD my iPod works!!!!!!!!

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:36 PM

went 2 cineleisure 2 watch mr and mrs smith wif shu 2dae. e front was a bit boring but other parts R.O.C.K.E.D. so cool!!! then went 2 subway 2 eat. blarggg. [throws food out] not v nice. but then again, din rli care coz v hungry. went sembawang and bought super fresh 2!!! rox man!! XD went 2 some office 4 less well 2 do kids and then cut newspapers for 3 hours straight. ewewew. so dirty my fingers. neva gonna do that again. X( my fingers were like all black. :( ... had 2 wash them like 4 times. can't wait 2 watch war of the worlds. hope my mum will let mi watch. [crosses fingers]

Posted by girlosophy; at 8:11 PM

went 2 cineleisure 2 watch mr and mrs smith wif shu 2dae. e front was a bit boring but other parts R.O.C.K.E.D. so cool!!! then went 2 subway 2 eat. blarggg. [throws food out] not v nice. but then again, din rli care coz v hungry. went sembawang and bought super fresh 2!!! rox man!! XD went 2 some office 4 less well 2 do kids and then cut newspapers for 3 hours straight. ewewew. so dirty my fingers. neva gonna do that again. X( my fingers were like all black. :( ... had 2 wash them like 4 times. can't wait 2 watch war of the worlds. hope my mum will let mi watch. [crosses fingers]

Posted by girlosophy; at 8:11 PM

Monday, June 20, 2005

yay!! i changed my blogskin!! lurrve it!! <33> dun tink tt i'll change it amymore ... at least for some time. :) thx pardd 4 helping mi decide which 1 was beta!!

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:40 PM

so damn bored ... nothing to do ... cept homework ... can't wait 2 go out 2mrw --> watching mr and mrs smith wif shu. hope she can find my house. dun let e taxi man kidnap u k shu?? haha. i'm so gonna fail the chinese test next tues. :(

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:07 PM

Saturday, June 18, 2005

omg. my dae can't get any worse. 1st, i hv new rubber bands tt r making my teeth ache like crazee. 2. instead of riding james, i was plopped on penelope [i v been waiting 4 ages 2 ride james] 3. penelope was an ass. 4. [this is the worst] found out that leon moved in >.<' gggrrr. 2 pissed wif mi dae 2 continue. ps --> only gd thing --> bought 1. black eyed peas [monkey business] 2. marion raven [here i am] 3. mario [turning point] bad thing --> iPod not working :(

Posted by girlosophy; at 8:29 PM

Thursday, June 16, 2005

omg ... it is SO boring @ home wif nuttin 2 do. :( thk gdness skool reopens next week. OMG. i hv rli gone mad. i cant blieve i juz said tt. scratch tt. i neva said tt. ssshhh. [zips mouth] i'm so gonna fail the chinese test when skool opens. die die die. [hangs self] r.i.p.

Posted by girlosophy; at 12:20 PM

Monday, June 13, 2005

poor schnauzy ... she's got ticks. poor doggie. :( no wonder she's been scratching so much. what's more, i was hugging her this morning [12 am] when my dad came in asking mi if what he was holding was a tick. duh it was. he said it came frm his hair when schnauzy climbed on him earlier tt afternoon when he was sleeping. she i was like ewewewewew and i dumped schnauzy on her chair and went 2 wash my hair. so now everything tt schnauzy touched has been washed thoroughly and sterilized. v kia su hor ... [my grandmother's work]

Posted by girlosophy; at 1:36 PM

Sunday, June 12, 2005

lalala ... i'm so bored ... :( and the only other thing to do here is to do homework :( even worse than doing nothing. *puke* so much homework. study for history, lit, geog, science and got tuitioin homework [chinese, eng, maths and science] life sux so much when we have so much hw. and it makes life worse when we have kee's sucky science homework. so much. like it'll even help us. i doubt ani1 even reads the damn book 4 revision.

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:49 PM

Saturday, June 11, 2005

great news!! my dad said that if i get 85% and above for all my subjects, he'll not only let mi go back 2 perth for riding lessons in ellis brooks, but HE'LL GET MI A HORSE!!!! a horse of my very own!!!! unfortunately, the only horse i ever want is tipsy and i'M sounding like a spoilt brat. :( so i bet get cracking. gggrrr.

Posted by girlosophy; at 7:09 PM

Thursday, June 09, 2005

i miss tipsy. T.T i feel so sad. i sorta dun wanna leave perth. X( i so dunno wad 2 do ... tipsy is perfect 4 mi. cept she's a bit on e small side. but other than tt, she's mi dream horse, only i can't hv her. *sniff* some o u will tink i'm bing stupid. so off e top o mi head, here's an eg -->
sae ur fave posession is ur bball cause ur a bball player. u dunn go aniwhere wif out e ball. and now, pretend tt e ball can nuzzle u and show u affection and whinny when u come. but now u hv 2 leave it 4eva. if u dun feel attatched, then it's either u dun gv a damn or u simply dun care. i did a test on tipsy 2dae. the hardest prelim test. i tink e highest is prelim 1.3 but this din feel like a 1.3. had 2 memorise t in 5 minutes.
1. trot in @ A
2. halt salute @ X
3. trot 4ward 2 c, track right
4. @ B, track rite
5. @ E, track left
6. @ A, 3 loop serpentine
7. @ H, extended trot across diagonal
8. @ A, medium walk
9. K to R free walk
10. R to M medium walk
11. M, trot
12. C, canter
13. @ SR circle, canter 1 and a 1/2 circle
14. C, trot
15. H to K extended trot, cross diagonal
16. A canter
17. @ VP circle, canter 1 and a 1/2 circle
18. A trot
19. K to M extended trot cross diagonal
20. E track rite
21. X turn left
22. @ HM line, halt and salute

i'll neva 4get u tipsy ... took mi 3 tries 2 get it perfet. [sad smile ... tinking o tipsy] ended lesson wif jumps. double oxer [75cm] and a couple o half buckets wif a pole on e top. tipsy was such a gd girl. she jumped everything perfectly, even when the rain splatted on her face, she's my lil' angel [wishful smile] i'll never forget that feisty lil' pony ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Posted by girlosophy; at 11:25 PM

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

leaving 2mrw. 2mrw's gonna b e last time i get 2 ride tipsy. *sniff* T.T i went 4 a ride in e bush. nuttin much 2 sae cept tt tipsy was bing a bit spooky. i may b coming nack @ e end o e yr in nov and dec. both imes 2 ride. IF i get gd results. A s 4 everytin. so dun expect mi 2 b online so often when skool reopens. and i may b leasing a horse @ btsc! XD i tink soon [if it's not 2 ex] or @ e end o e yr after exams. tinking abt leasing biscuit, penny or little red. 2mrw will b mi last dae wif tipsy!!!! WWAAAHHH!!!! T.T T.T T.T T.T

Posted by girlosophy; at 7:44 PM

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

crap. it rained 2dae so i couldn't jump the cross country jumps. X( so i jumped in the arena. 1st started out wif 2 jumps then 3, then 5. so fun. jumped barrel tops, barrel bodies and a combo. rode gd lil' tipsy :) yay! i luuurrrvvveee that lil' pony. i was freezing when i went 2 e stables. it was pouring. tipsy loked like a drowned rat. hehex. especially in e places where her blanket din cover her [her head and feet] had a v fun time riding her. wendy said tt if i were jumping in an equitation jumping class, she would gimme a gd mark. XD SCORE! 2mrw going 4 a ride in e bush --> mi on tipsy and wendy on abel. compare e sixe diff! hahas. :P i oso got 2 bits i gd news.
1st --> i was only supposed 2 ride 6 outta 8 dae we r in perth [not riding on e daes i leave and arrive] now, i'm oso riding on e dae i leave!! yay!! XD
2nd --> we're cuming back in e end o e yr if i do well in mi exams XDXDXDXD i'm so not gonna slack [fat hope] well ... i'm slack less.
this holidae is e BEST eva!!!!! XD hope every1 else is hving a great holidae!!! :)

Posted by girlosophy; at 8:14 PM

Monday, June 06, 2005

yyyyiiiippppppppeeeeeeee!!!! i jumped tipsy 2dae!!!! so happie!!! XD went 2 e stables early so john [wendy's husband] helped mi tack her up cause i dinno which saddle was hers. then went 2 e arena wifout tipsy's bridle on cause we both weren't sure if tt was her bridle. walked and trotted the pony while waiting 4 wendy 2 finish up wif her other class. had 2 make her walk 2 stop her frm eating. greedy lil' pony. she's a country pony. apparently fr e desert up north and somehow she has a xtremely woolly coat and a v long mane and tail. there's no instructor in e desert 2 teach e 7 yr old how 2 ride and her mom has 2 run along side tipsy wif e kid in e saddle. and tipsy will hv 2 trot as fast as she can. tipsy is no beginner's horse. so ... did trotting poles [she got v excited and trotted v fast][can't blame her --> she hasn't done tt 4 2 yrs] then jumped a combination [2 jumps quite close 2gether] then managed 2 get her 2 canter a 10metre circle [gd considering she canters v fast and did a CROSS COUNTRY jump --> e sunkern road. it's like a depression u go in and out. took mi 2 tries 2 get it rite then could do it well on both reins XD 2mrw riding tipsy again and jumping more cross country jumps!! XD i tink mini tires!!!! XD can't wait. will neva 4get this feisty woolly pony. [and i felt rlli ova sized. haha :P]

Posted by girlosophy; at 6:40 PM

Sunday, June 05, 2005

din ride tipsy 2dae. tipsy is sssssooooo cute!!! she's the same height as mi!!! XD so cute. abel was bing xtremely bratty 2dae. X( he kept on acting up. he was ssoo naughty but i did learn how 2 do an extended trot. :) but i dun tink many o u out there care abt it. but learning it was like so fun!!

Posted by girlosophy; at 6:55 PM

Saturday, June 04, 2005

rode abel again. :) had so much fun! had more control ova him this time. can't wait 2 ride him again. i'm supposed 2 go 2 e stables early 2mrw and groom him and put his boots on. went shopping 4 horse stuff l8r. bought so many things. saw wendy [instructor] @ e last shop we went 2. she said tt i wasn't 2 tired frm mi ride on abel 2mrw, i could ride tipsy. the lil' pony tt belonged 2 a 7 yr old hu couldn't control her. [lucky duck. she apparently got tipsy when she was 5][so fast alreadie get her own horse] found out tt wendy's other horse andy [bought 6 weeks ago] is a 17.15hh gelding and tt he can jump up 2 7 feet 8 inches. tt's like so damn high. looking 4ward 2 2mrw!!!

Posted by girlosophy; at 6:33 PM

Friday, June 03, 2005

got lost on e way 2 ellis brooks [riding stable] i met abel. he is sssooo dreamy [i dun sound like mi :P] i've neva cn ani1 or anitin like him. he;s so tall dark and gorgeous. 2 bad he's wendy's. one dae ... i'm gonna find my version of abel ...
so let's get to the point --> i hope NONE of u actually thot abel was a guy. HAHA. abel is a horse. :P an absoulutely gorgeous 16.35 hands high [height] german warmblood bay gelding who is 10 yrs old. he is sssooo gd and soo sweet. he's e 1st warmblood i've eva ridden. his strides r so big. and so strong [u hv 2 xperience it ur self] and @ 1st i was totally freaked out coz i din want 2 fall off and the ground was rlli far away. and + it juz rained. ew. i tell u ... i neva xpected 2 ride a champion dressage horse. i xpected 2 plopped on a beginner's horse. no challenge. X( in e afternoon, went shopping 4 like 6 hours. bought some stuffies 4 some ppls. hope those o u hu get the presents like them.
ps - riding abel is indescripable. no horse like him. i swear. one day, i'll hv a horse like him [only slightly smaller]

Posted by girlosophy; at 9:25 PM

Thursday, June 02, 2005

nuttin much 2 tok abt. juz wanna sae tt it's quite cold in perth

Posted by girlosophy; at 2:49 PM

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

heyya!! i'm going to perth tomorrow!! so happie!! this is gonna b my 2nd time in perth. we're packing like realli weird stuff for this holiday. eg. badminton rackets + shuttlecocks and my horse riding stuff. i'm so excited!! i'm gonna b riding there!! hopefully, we can go for trail rides and gallop. hopefully, the instructors will gimme more challenging horses rather than the beginner horses. if i ride horses like princess [no offence to princess, the 1st real lesson horse i eva rode] than i can like do anything the tchr asks mi to do. no challenge no fun. i haven't read the stoopid chinese yellow bk. i'm so gonna fail the stoopid test. mi chi tuition tchr is so nice. she told mi part o e story ... HA. not tt i can remember any of it. wind singer is unusually interesting ... and cw --> i cannot believe u actually finished the book so fast!! [faint frm disbelief] jkjk XP muzz remember to watch tong xin yuan later! gonna b very farnie!! dunno y?? catch it yourself!! :P i'm hyper and crazy todae!! HAHAHAHAHA seriously.

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:59 PM

January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
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March 2007
April 2007

aly wee.
2gy 06.
2sy 06.
2co 06.
2se 06.
2pe 06.
2gr 06.
1pe 05.
1co 05.
1se 05.
1gr 05.

amazing race 11.
prison break.
survivor 13.
survivor 14.