Saturday, April 30, 2005
penny rox

OMG ... this is llyke the best lesson eva!! [ur gonna b so jealous alex] i cantered and galloped penny!!! wwwwwhhhhheeeeeeeeee!!!!! hahs. :) @ 1st when i went 2 btsc, mi name wasn't writen down, so i waited 4 tommy, hu said that he ad 2 exercise this mare haleiah and he said that he'd let mi ride her ... or so i thot. then sandra said that she found a horse 4 mi 2 ride - penny. so since tommy still needed to exercise haleiah, we both rode and took the heath track path to the sand track in the forest. [shu - beg him 2 take u there. best place 2 let ur horse loose. whether canter or gallop] trotted 4 a while then e fun began!!! cantered penny 4 llyke 1 round then since tommy din tell mi 2 stop, i continued. then i had even more fun! haha. since haleiah was bucking, so penny, bing naturally competitive, sped up and galloped. v fast. v v v fast. so i let her gallop 3/4 o e track then slowed her galloped. [that was e 2nd round] 3rd round I cantered her 1 round in 2-point. on e way back, after e slope @ e track, @ e 2nd slope leading 2 heaven, we started trotting [sitting]. then there was this lady oogling @ us. dunno wad's her prob. frm e raod-llyke trail 2 heaven, we cantered llyke up the grassy slope. haleiah cantered 1st then penny refused 2 b stuck bhind her so she squeezed btween haleiah and e fence and cantered faster. that path we took was llyke so uneven but penny was llyke so sure-footed. had so much fun. so sad shu wasn't here. shu - tommy wanted u 2 cum 4 a lesson 2dae cause 2mrw no lesson. imagine if u came - u could hv cantered and galloped wif us!!! XD and e weird thing is, in e arenas, i hv llyke no stamina @ all but out there ... wow ... 2dae's lesson. a. stamina conditioning b. how to control a horse when there's another chasing u c. how 2 ask ur horse 2 go and cum back. i'm neva gonna hv such a great lesson 4 a long tyme. it's gona b back 2 training. training 4 end o may competition i tink. sighz. X( but nvm. i'm gonna remember this lesson 4EVA!!! 2 cap it all - HORSE RIDING ROX!!!

Posted by girlosophy; at 6:54 PM

Friday, April 29, 2005

wad i rote in e poem was meant 2 b a JOKE. sheesh ... u used 2 have a sense of humour cheryl ... mi mum is so gonna kill mi when she gets mi fone bill for april ... i've been sms-ing pplz 24-7 ... die die die ... i'm gonna miss 2 more hr lessons!!! [horse riding] i'm gonna b so damn rusty. no way i can compete in may ... oh um ... any1 wants more CIP hours? mi mum;s fwen volunteers @ a place for underprivilege kids and they need sum1 2 help wif filing and sumtin llyke that. leave mi a note [or rather a tag] if u're interested and i'll c if she can arrange a day ... mi happie hatchie's coming up!!! get mi presents ok ppls ... jk jk ... nvm if u dun get mi any ... OMG ... i'm sounding llyke payaya ... so extra ... muz avoid her @ all costs 2 prevent mutation!!!

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:13 PM

Wednesday, April 27, 2005
hansel and gretel, who were not sister and brother

here's a poem project ... done by brenda [[mi!]] and sarah cheong
hansel and gretel, who were NOT brother and sister [[title]]
hansel and gretel lost in the wood,
onli left wif a bit o food,
"omg, we're lost 4eva!"
"don't b silly, neva say neva!"
an old witch saw them and said 2 herself
"i beta get e cooking book off e shelf."
licking her lips,
shaking her hips,
she bustled around making fish and chips
outside her door,
arguing summore,
boy and girl notice her house of cheese
they ate and ate till they began to wheeze,
"cum in mi dears," e witch said thru her door.
"i've just made a meal for 4."
"but there're onli 3,
u, missy, gretel and mi!"
"nvm, children, u'll juz eat more."
at that she kicked them thru e door.
she stuffed them wif staek and turkey,
and even fed them her dog's beef jerky.
"omg, i'm so full!" they cried.
"i'm so glad ur satisfied
now go 2 bed and spend the nite,
don't let the shrieking owls gv u a fright."
trudging up e stair,
pulling each other's hair.
they slid under e blanket,
no longer making a racket.
as e children slid in2 a wurld o their own,
the sky turned frm red 2 blue roan.
giggling, e witch hatched a plan,
she realli has e shrewdness o her clan.
read on, find out her evil plan

e next morning @ dawn,
e witch found hansel sleeping llyke a new-born fawn.
"wake up, u twit and help mi look,
4 a mouse that nibbles through mi books!"
he followed her down yawning,

drooling, stretching and still slightly snoring.
"look in2 e pantry,
take as long as u savvy."
he stuck his big head in,
e witch gave a shoved him in, making a din.
she went 2 drag gretel down, but found gretel nowhere 2 b found
"nvm e little twit
she'll only fill mi up a bit.
she went in2 e kitchen,
peered in2 e microwave,
gretel crept up behind and a big push she gave.
she squeezed e itch in2 e plastic 'cave'
turning up e heat, ignoring e screams,
she placed beside the micromave a box of sour cream.
she went off 2 find her bro,
and found him in e pantry sucking his toe.

unllyke it's fractured tale,
this story has no treasure.
their treasures lay in each other,
especially when they found out they weren't sister and brother.
they ran off,
got married and changed their names
to __________ [[u no hu u r]] and james

thys poem is dedicated to ding dong,
also known as __________ [[u no hu u r]],
4 giving us inspiration for our dedication

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:16 PM

Thursday, April 21, 2005
fun dae ... for once

heyy ... i'm llyke so pooped. juz got back home after playing captain's ball for 45minutes straight and doing napfa. i got a gold. 25 or 26 points out o 30. ok lah ... considering that i'm not realli fiit. ii laze around e house all dae. b4 sit-ups, we [aly, pek, glads and mii] were jumpiing on the trampoliine. so fun. ii haven't jumped on iit siince P2. gettiing sum1 to jump on iit when ur siitiiing iis so fun! but a biit freaky llyke ur goiing to fall off. so sad shu and denyse weren't there. [we lost against PL MGS!!!!!!!!!! gggrrr. hahas. hope mrs. tan iisn't goiing to c thiis. she''l say ii'm 2 competiitiive whiich iis llyke so true] i made mii own personal best 4 standiing board jump - 197cm. ii iincreased llyke 40 cm. ii got 156 llast year. goal for next year - beat cheryl wong's 212cm!! [overly competitiive agaiin] later played captaiin's ball. @ 1st, iit was mii, glads, pek, cheryl, danielle [1SY], zi bing, nicole and ying [1SY] agaiinst sarahs chia and tan, pearlyn, vikki, trish, patricia and laura. neva keep score but danielle kept on screamiing. ii kept on landiing on the floor, chasiing the ball. cher cher asked mii iif ii played [or that i should join] rugby. AS IIF! no way. captain's ball is way more fun. after a while, we all started to cheat a bit. llyke nicole started running around trying to catch the ball [she was goal keeper], spiderwoman [remember ms tan and the speaker during history lesson] so she dribbled e ball so zi bing and i pulled her hair. also did other cheating things but 4got wat lah. 2 abt 4.45 e baddie girls came backso glads and i found chio bu to help us. then it was mi, glads, shu, nicol and zibing vs. cheryl, ying, danielle, sarah chia nad vikki. laughed so much that tyme that i landed on the floor again. i also chased e ball and banged into cheryl. then mii mum called e skool offiice cause i din call her. e higher chinese tchr ms soh i tink came 2 look 4 mi and every1 was llyke 'or hor ...' then every1 went home after that. 2mrw got all e boring lessons. maths, chinese, science, eng and lit. waste o tyme. science sux [u no wad i mean] beta go ... need 2 look 4 english test. i tink i lost it. -.-' WAIT!!!! i haven't even complained abt ms xia! I CAN'T STAND HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and abt sunny kee!!!!!!!! i start wif ms xia 1st. she saw mi folding mi socks after i did Inclined pull-ups. then she was llyke, " take off ur shoes" i said that i alreadie finish then she repeated that in a bitchy way. repeat llyke a broken recorder. so i took them off and she made mi yank mi socks SO high!!!! i looked like ________ [not saying 2 protect e guilty] so geeky! then laura came back and said that she was pissed @ sumtin and ms prawn [xia] asid sumtin that made us all go 'huh?' then she said, 'do u no that pissed is a bad word? [we shrugged] how can u even use a bad word if u dunno it's a bad word?' then she ranted on and on. so wat if it's a bad word? it's students' slang for 'irritated' or 'annoyed'. she oso caught glads doing e same thing as mi. we had 2 walk down wof geek socks. no as if when we fold the socks can't c e sc sign. then we showed cheryl, ying and danielle our terrible socks and they all laughed. :G this morning sunny kee toked 2 denyse abt e cliques in class and that it's unhealthy. we tink that _a_a complained 2 mrs tan or that mrs tan observed and told flabs. it'sllyke OUR problem lah! not their's! sum pplz llyke _a_a tink that a clique is 'cool'. a clique is a group of close fwenz. nuttin rong wif that wad. sheesh. kee wants us 2 mix around wif others. that's wad we do wad! taje e music project 4 example! and 4 e projects that we do she dun want us 2 b alwaiz 2gether. so? y should we try to work wif pplz we can't stand and can;t cooperate wif and hand in lousy work instaed of working wi fwenz u llyke and handing in gd work? sum1 beta give those 2 baiatacahas a psychology lesson! and this is e longest blog i hv eva written or cn.

Posted by girlosophy; at 6:03 PM

naughty mi

in skool again updating mi blog. supposed 2 b doing music project. having a hard tyme though. got to do the stoopid napfa test l8r. sighz. serene is still trying to hack mi account. hahas. she's not v successful. i'm so evil. i wonder wat happened on amazing race yesterdae nite ... hmmm. i'm lyke so bored lors. hmmm. nvm. will tink o sumtin l8r. gonna update more while waiting 4 napfa 2 start @ 3.20pm

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:07 AM

Wednesday, April 20, 2005
we won, we won, we won. oh leh, oh leh, oh leh

in skool now. again. there's lyke sumtin rong wif mi com ... everytyme i go on internet, the home page is this disgusting page. or sumtin lyke that. then l8r when i go back to9 the desktop then got sum sort o sick shortcut pictures. llyke laeasa doing it. ewewew. i'm llyke so scared that mi mum find out and then scold mi. cause i'm not supposed 2 go on computer. die. 2dae we had mass pe and ... [drumroll] ... WE WON 12/17 GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! team 2 won ALL our games!!!!! [i'm in team 2] so happie. won against GR, SY and GY. we won!! i tell u ... GY was the hardest team to beat. the players all so small so hard 2 guard and i kept on ending up on the floor. once i ended up landing on sum1's foot. hahas. so hard to block them. i had 2 bend llyke so low. sighz. stoopid kee scolded us after science cause we neva collect our stoopid salt samples. we don't wan so dun collect lah! stoopid freaking nagging woman. then she went on ranting on abt if we keep on going on llyke that then we hv poor character and that when we get a job and continue llyke that then we will keep on losing our jobs. hu in their rite mind willl want 2 look 4 a job now. stoopid bitch. everytyme c her always got black face. gggrrr. i beta get rid of that website when i get home.

Posted by girlosophy; at 1:22 PM

baiatacaha saca

BLOODY IDOIT SERENE CAI!!!!!!!!! c if u can crack mi new password.

Posted by girlosophy; at 12:33 PM


HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO... I'm not Brenda.. I hacked into Brenda's bloggie Nahnah nah poo poo=Brenda you SUCK. Trust me for wad??? BRENDA BRENDA BRENDA BRENDA BRENDA (",) yoU IDIOT Lalalla You LLAMA... You're my best friendee.. For LIFFEEY.. You wil DIEE Bwahahahahahahahaha... Btw, I'm Serene.

Posted by Serene(: at 11:41 AM

Tuesday, April 19, 2005
close call

sumtin happened 2dae that realli freaked mi out. if ur thinking that i saw sunny kee bing nice, you're absolutely [drumroll] W.R.O.N.G. tell u abt that l8r. had lit, chinese and english tests dae. gonna die 4 all 3. i wus lyke rushing 4 eng. peking din even finish it. die. die. die. i'm so dead. mrs bowness wasted so much o mi recess tyme. so sad. [sniff] then @ 11.05 had 2 meet her and missed a fair bit o history. next history test on confuciasm. dunno how 2 spell. maths ... sighz ... bucktooth wearing lace-y things again. everything she wears hv lace. no fashion sense @ all. stoopid. aniwae ... 2 e thing that freaked mi out. it all started when chio bu stopped by 2 get her hw from mi. [mi grandma thot she wus a boy][haha] then when she went out i dun think she closed e gate properly and e gate muz hv swung open from e wind and e door wus wide open and thank gdness tt shadow [mi doberman hu stays outside] din run out. thk gdness. so freaked out. i'll b lyke so sad if she got loss. [sniff]

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:32 PM

Friday, April 15, 2005
survivor merged

steff so poor thing ... last ulong member. i bet koror will b lyke impressed wif her. the last ulong member. steff is lyke SO happie. i find coby quite cunning 4 a gay guy. and plus he's got as sharp mind ... omg ... the fish are huge. that papau caught groupers and snappers. that fish that tom caught looked lyke so big in the water but when it came out not as big as i thought. lobster? i din c them catch the lobster. i wanna c how they acctually caught that. wat in the world is so gd abt drinks? sheesh. i tink that tom got lyke drunk; falling and tripping ova nuttin. i an't stand janu ... she neva does anytin ... waste of tyme cuming on survivor if she dun intends to work. i agree wif coby that steff should b in e top. every1 is attacking steff 2 tell her everytin abt every1, no matter true or not. individual immunity 2dae. lyke e shark jaw necklace. challenge - will power. fall off, sit, slip off and the perch and u lose. interesting. jeff is lyke trying 2 make them jealous by relaxing in e chair. 1 hours and every1 still strong. here cum e doughnuts. janu [ugly pig] and coby down. baluts??? ian's kerazie. 15 chocolate cookies 4 15 minutes. ian, greg, jenn and katie out. 3 hours and going strong. last food bribe - after jeff pulls off e cover, e people left have 5 seconds 2 get in2 e water or e people out will get it ... the food bribe is ... [drumroll] P.I.Z.Z.A. steff and caryn out. tom wins e 1st eva individual immunity. i sae ... this season is SO much beta than the last 1. side track from survivor 4 a while - FRIENDS IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well at least joey is ... thursdae @ 9pm ... MUZ WACTH!!!!!!!!!! where r mi post-its?!?!?! janu is lyke so gaunty ... lyke a skeleton. ew. coby's out ... 7 people voted for coby ... hmmm ... aniwaiz next week janu losers it. HA. reward challenge 2 remember wateva that means and sumtin abt e immunity challenge. couldn't hear. sighz ... nvm... will find out wat jeff said next week. can't wait! :)

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:58 PM

days of my life are the same

ok ... gota b v brief. going 2 tll english in lyke wat ... 2min i tink. so 2dae i found out tt mi stoopid apron and head thing got mould so i had 2 run all e way 2 e bookshop 2 buy it and l8r got scolded by mrs fern [iz she pregnant? she's lyke putting on a lot o weight] cause i din take mi towels 2 wash either and she started ranting on abt hygene and everytin ... blah blah blah. 4 hydroponics had 2 watch a movie 1st. had a lot o fun. we [mi, jeanette, serene and amanda] were comparring e forest 2 e 1 in jurassic park and jeanette kept on saying tt when mi and amanda went in 2 put e styrofoam in e container, we looked like the people in jurassic park when they went 2 c e cow bing eaten. like how was it even lyke that? heck. so then @ home ec [i'm travelling back in tyme] made spaghetti. yumz. should heat it up 4 dinner.

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:27 PM

Thursday, April 14, 2005
dae in mi life

juz got home from skool abt 40 minutes ago. SC BADMINTON WON 4-1 against dunno wat skool. hahas. pe 2dae so tiring. envy those larkie pigs hu din need 2 do ... gggrrr ... aniwaiz we got our summaries back and i got 9.5/15. happi happie mi. :) then chinese i sat wif sarah and nicole and gladsie were sittin in front o us and we were lyke gossiping e whole time. can't tell u wat we were gossiping abt. it's a secret. hehex :x but basically we were discussing abt laba [try 2 guess hu this is]. i changed mi blog skin in skool. how? cause there wus no badminton 2dae [juz got told 2dae] so mi and glads juz stayed back and chill @ e com lab working on our blogs. naughty us. cum 2 tink o it, y izzit naughty?? i'm hyper ...

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:40 PM

Tuesday, April 12, 2005
history test

got history test back 2dae ... 19.5/25 ... so happie ... thot i would do badly cause i rote rubbish. 4 e mummification question, i rote sumtin abt living 4eva in e after life. stoopid and i got L2-2.5 4 that. aniwais ... i m so gonna fail geog ... i tink i minus 10 marks already. scince quite ok ... sighz ... i tink i'm gonna change mi blogskin ...

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:01 PM

Monday, April 11, 2005
ticked off

I M SO TICKED OFF!!! today was so sucky ...... gggggggggrrrrrrrrr .... 4 e 1st 20 minutes b4 e 1st lesson o e day sunny kee cums in and nags @ us 4 dunno wat cause i wasn't listening but e sound o her voice makes mi wanna puke. so bloody boaring. then e owl came in and gv us back our geog tet papers. 25.5/35. not bad. thot i wus gonna fail cause i din study ... l8r got eng test - summary. wretched dae. then got chinese. sat wif ying yi. then got lit. 4got wat we did. then science. ew. sarah and i spilled e iron filings on e table and that bodo sarah use e magnet 2 collect everytin back even though sunny kee said tt e magnet will rust but how is she gonna noe it's us. heck. danielle's group even worse. after heating the mixture, they put it straight away in2 e petri dish so now e dish gotta hole. hahas. gotta revise geog and science now

Posted by girlosophy; at 8:51 PM

Sunday, April 10, 2005
nothin 2 do

sound of music @ e esplanade not v gd. e best is saturdae nite fever .. but e esplanade 1 is WAY beta than e show. e show iz like ew. gtg eat soon. gonna b v brief. rode and jumped son o songkla 2dae. so happie. but songkla dunn realli likes jumps or poles on e ground. gave mi alot o nonsense like jumping in and out o e poles in canter and balking @ e jumps and deciding 2 jump e jump @ last minute and take a mammoth leap cause i made him jump it. SO FUN!!! best riding time in a long time. 1 bad tin 2 say though - his cater when 1st starting class so slow and hard 2 get fast wifout dressage whip and so hard 2 keep it. other from that, he ROX! dunn mind all e rearin and e bucking ... v fun 2 sit 2 ... :)

Posted by girlosophy; at 7:35 PM

Saturday, April 09, 2005
i got dunked

heyy ... juz cleaned up after aly's b'dae party. SO FUN! i had 2 go late after TLL english. aly, pek, glads and shu all wanted 2 go 2 paris 1 2 get mi, pretending that they were mi cuz. 1st o all, gladys seah, frm aly's old skool would probly hv gone, 'hi alyssa' and chloe frm 1pr would hv gone, 'hey shu'. heck care ...went 2 sakae sushi 2 eat. mi and shu grossed out pek glads and aly by eating salmon 4 every dish ... haha. went back 2 aly's house 2 play. 1st did e x-word amanda [aly's sis] made [mi and shu group 1][pek and glads group 2] group 2 won ... gggrrr ... no hard feelings though. found out wat a heffalump is ... SO CUTE!!! after tt, went down 2 play water bomb. @ 1st, v boaring. then we got in2 2 groups - mi, aly, shu and pek and glads. dunno hu won e 'war'. i un remember how we got wet but i do remember mi tripping ova mi feet and falling in2 e baby pool. i tink we pushed glads pek or aly in2 e big pool 1st ... or mebbe i pulled glads in2 e baby pool wif mi. after aly, pek and glads got dunked in2 e big pool, they came after mi and when i fell in, i pulled peky in wif mi. haha. then we attacked shu ... and she 2 pulled pek in wif her. next party i go 2 [when got swimming pool] muz 1. do it again 2. muz bring 3 changes o clothes then l8r went back 2 her house and played twister. v. sore ... gtg soon. b4 i get off, i juz gotta say sumtin more ... we got dunked @ nite wif our clothes! this party was DA BOMB!!!

Posted by girlosophy; at 1:04 AM

Friday, April 08, 2005
in skool now

mi stoopid com @ home no longer has any internet access. stoopid thunderstorm. stoopid lightning. aniwaiz ... we [onli e few o us no] hv now a 'secret language. [thx 2 2 pplz] haha. now no tchr can eva no wat we r toking abt. supposed 2 b looking abt chemistry and periodic table. SO boring. so sad ha-shu, sausage bun and ice lemon tea not here. going 2 sum1's house 2 nite ... going 2 hv SO much fun. 2mrw going 2 watch e sound o music wif ha shu. can't wait ... i suddenly feel like eating panini and smoked salmon. hmmm ... muz go 2 coffee bean and tea leaf asap. either that or i should go 2 holland v and eat e fondue ... muz convince mi mum ...

Posted by girlosophy; at 12:43 PM

Tuesday, April 05, 2005
bad dae

such a bad dae yesterdae ... gv u a v quick summary ... will halp mi summary skills. i had 2 show mi mum tt i failed 2 tests - eng and chinese. thxfullie she din scold mi but she said tt i beta not fail anitin else if not i in big trouble. r.i.p. and the STOOPID owl-cat hor ... 2dae then tell mi tt she's teaching geog chp 13. and i rushed thru e whole thing juz 2 getit dun. i feel like yanking her poodle like hair and making her bald. she keeps on yaking tt a gd tchr dun juz read frm transparency ... HELLO?!?! THAT'S WAT U DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gosh ... and i wonder how she even passed her eng exam. her grammar is worse than mine. the during maths had a fun time ... hahaha. ate m'n'ms frm ha shu ... and cheryl kept on trying 2 catch 'em in her mouth but kept hitting her glasses. hahaha. then hor ... beauty queen a bit blind ... cheryl and aly meet in e middle o e classroom 2 exchange sweets in front o her, she juz stare @ them and carry on toking. need thicker glasses. 2dae had 3 tests. history, maths and eng. going 2 die 4 hostory and eng again. maths i tink i hv a gd chance 2 get 100%[35/35] aniwaiz ... 4 hostory, all i rote was crap, crap and crap. utter nonsense. i rote sumtin abt e dead pplz living 4eva in e afterlife and sum more rubbish. i'm SO going 2 die and mi mum's going 2 kill mi. eng i wry abt mi comphre. summary quite ok. comphre i scared i fail again. die die die die die die ... stoopid kids across the street. dun they eva shaddup?!?! great ... they're having a party in the rain. crazy ... muz make funeral arrangements 4 miself b4 mi tests cum back ... going 2 visit shadow in e hospital [bing sterilized] will update again soon

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:04 PM

Friday, April 01, 2005
sports dae

i'm like SO pissed off! no fair!!! sy beat us ... humph. aniwaiz ... when 1st started, so fun but as time wore on, it bcame boaring ... and more boaring and even more boaring. got there @ 7am and e sec i got outta e car i saw gladsie playing wif her fone ... sms-ing bf?? [cheeky grin] then had 2 do e cheer. no1 even watched us so it's like a waste o energy. and sum people [not saying hu] came l8. but neva realli affect us except tt we nearly had 2 rearrange e 1PE 4mation. then i tink we got 2nd ... cause we tied wif se 4 2nd but se din win anitin ... so anytin can happen. [tt stopid la bamba song is STILL stuck in mi head!!! it's been here since the most recent music lesson!] but sy got 1st!!!!! [ggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr] but on e gd side ... we got 1st for 100m finals [thx denyse] and 3rd for 4 x 100m relay [thx again denyse]. so ok lah ... then that stupid ding dong cheryl wong anihow bluff mi, glads, pek and aly in tinking tt we got 1st place and then when we started shrieking, she said,"april fools' then got so annoyed wif her mi, pek and glads whackd her wif our pom-poms ... [ggggrrrr] i tink i'm gonna do mi hw on mon ... oh great ... i o kiam cai a letter ... beta go rite it b4 she kill mi ...

Posted by girlosophy; at 2:51 PM

January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007

aly wee.
2gy 06.
2sy 06.
2co 06.
2se 06.
2pe 06.
2gr 06.
1pe 05.
1co 05.
1se 05.
1gr 05.

amazing race 11.
prison break.
survivor 13.
survivor 14.