Thursday, March 31, 2005
i lead a boring life

tomorrow's sports day. looking 4ward 2 it. sighz. sighz again. got back cme project, history and chinese paper. cme - 24/30 [much beta than i expected] history - 12.5/20 [highest so far i tink] chinese - [u people r going 2 laugh] 24/50. i dunno how i'm gonna get mi mum 2 sign it. i tink i should forge her signature [jk jk] PE 2dae was SO tiring. had 2 run ... um ... 5 rounds i tink, but mrs bowness stopped us after i completed 3. then we did sit-ups. i did 38 in 1 min on e stoopid hard floor. chio bu did 46 [muzz beat her next time]. then played captain's ball. me, pek, gladsie, chio bu, cheryl and denyse 1 team. we played against aly, ying yi, cassandra, victoria, sarah cheong and laura. after tt v boring. flabs [sunny kee] came in and taught us science. 4 once she got mi attention. abt animals c ... then i spent e whole o chinese trying 2 draw on shu's hand. OMG. i juz remembered. i tink the banner is smudged. muz called kiam cai!!!!!

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:03 PM

Wednesday, March 30, 2005
juz a dae juz an ordinary dae, juz trying 2 get by

ssssssssoooooooo boring. i've got tuition @ 5.30 and mi grandma tinks i'm 'sleeping' again. well, nvm. as long as i dun get caught, i dun care. yesterdae, mi mum said tt mrs kee was trying 2 'teach mi a lesson' 4 not riting mi name 4 the malacca trip reflections. then 2dae 1st thing, she rubs it in, reading from her stupid lil' post-it. 'when u hand in ur work u muz remember 2 rite ur name. rite brenda?' she bragged. sssssoooo irritating. sighz. this morning b4 assembly, i sat e back wif e otherz instead of in front wif serene. so fun. no offense serene. i told gladsie, denyse and aly tt in e car when i came 2 skool tt morn, i saw 2 sji boys running 2wards sc. dunno whether lking 4 chio bu or not. hahaha. then music hor ... so sad ... got another project. mrs goh grouped us. humph. i'm wif sarah chia, kelly and pearlyn. i'd rather pick mi own closer fwenz but the 3 o them r ok. beta than **** ** and ****. they got each other but they also got ****** *** *** *** and ******** ***. i'm not riting their names. during english i juz couldn't concentrate ... kept staring out o e window. gym was so fun. me, pek, aly, glads, 'bing and kiam cai all were naughty and joined in2 a group. so gd e baddie girls din hv 2 do gym. we had 2 do cartwheels and [haha] cheryl [guess which 1] made a fool o herself. hahahaha hahahahahahahahaha. sry i'm laughing @ u cheryl but so farnie tt i banged in2 'bing laughing. she din wanna do cartwheel and din wan e class 2 c, so she went last and when she thot e tchr wasn't looking, she juz hopped ova e 'platform' thing we were supposed 2 do e cartwheel on. e tchr spotted her and called her back to do it. so e whole class got 2 c. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! [sry 4 laughing again] l8r @ PC, mrs kee said tt she would b taking u 4 PC for e rest o term 2. ewewewew. then she said tt we ad 2 do gd deeds when we were alive so tt when we were 90yrs old and about 2 snuff it [die], we can reflect on e gd things we've dun and if e gd is more than bad, we've led a gd life. and tt if u did gd, pplz will cum 2 ur funeral and say gd things abt u and not say, 'i wish she died sooner.' personally, i tink a fair no. o pplz will say tt. but l8r we played a 'i m ........' game. so fun. had a great time guessing hu's paper was hus. haha. can't wait 4 sports day. wonder wat food 2 bring ... on more m 'n' ms ... muz buy ...

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:46 PM

Tuesday, March 29, 2005
juz a normal dae

heyhey. mi mum went 2 skool 2 c mrs kee regarding how she 'lost' my malacca trip reflections. turns out, i din rite mi name and she said 'if i dun find ur paper by 2mrw, i'll gv u a zero' juz 2 scare mi and teach mi a 'lesson' for not riting mi name. 2 bad. i'm not scared. tt's wat parents r 4. haha. 2dae during maths class, i noticed shu and cheryl giggling and they showed mi wat it was abt. apparently, cheryl came up with a riddle. 'wat is a pink idiot hu thinks tt she is pretty'. answer - beauty queen. i couldn't stop laughing. beauty queen then looked abit pissed at the lot of us hu were laughing. 2 bad she dunno e jokes on her. HAHA. l8r in goeg, as usual, mao mao was 'whoosing' away and i rote a note 2 chio bu tt mao mao looked like an owl. then she showed cheryl, gladsie and zi bing and we all started laughing like lunatics. then we kept on passing notes. haha.

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:18 PM

Monday, March 28, 2005
I HATE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

crappy day. that stupid, freaking, slutty, imbecilic, moronic whore!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate mrs. kee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is SSSSSSSOOO bloody unreasonable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'if i cannot find your malacca trip review, i'll gv u a zero. blah blah blah.' stupid ass. i handed it in. i remember v clearly tt i came in late with chio shu bcos we had 2 c mrs bowness and rachel told mi tt i had 2 hand in mi malacca trip review so i did and put it on the table with the others. rachel and zi big can b my witnesses. stupid ladee, how did ani1 even maryr her? muz b blind and deaf. i wish she has mrs. tan cancer and mrs. tan is fine. i'm complaining 2 mi mum. on the gd side. this cracks mi up. we were doing similies in lit class, and mrs. tan was gving us examples. (meant 2 b sarcastic eg as menancing as a babee's smile) so she said, "imagine ur watching ms s'pore universe and u c this model and u say 'she is as beautiful as my maths teacher'." then the whole class started laughing non-stop 4 abt 5 minutes. i nearly fell off mi chair laughing with tears inmi eyes. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. breathe in ... breathe out ... ok i'm calm. crap again. my mum's back.

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:24 PM

Sunday, March 27, 2005

penelope, the piebald pony i rode 2daem was unuaually nice. reasons bhind this mysterious bhavior?
1. i've misjudged her
2. i've improved
3. she's improved
4. we've both improved
i say it's 4. mi teeth and gums still hurt. yesterday after i got home from kinokuniya, i was massaging shadow's head when suddenly, fungus, dog nex door (weird name. wat sort o name os fungus?) startde barking and shadow's head snapped back and hit mi on my upper lip and mi upper lip hit mi NEWLY TIGHTENED BRACES and it started 2 bleed. so it's realli hard 2 eat. gotta put ice on it again ... sheesh

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:14 PM

Saturday, March 26, 2005
Aching Teeth, Aching Gums

went 2 orthodontist (correct sp?) 2dae. dr. chua tightened mi braces SSSOOO tight i could barely eat dinner. wat's more, mi inner upper lip is still hurting. will tell u abt tt l8r. after eating lunch wifout diffculti(will feel pain after a few hours), went 2 kinokuniya 2 buy books and ... nvm. bought 2 cute animals letter pads 4 riting letters, and 9 books
Sweet 16 - #16 Truth Or Dare (R)
#17 Forget Me Not (R)
#18 Suddenly Sisters (RG)
Heartland - #16 Holding Fast (R)
#18 New Beginning
Thoroughbred - #63 Starstruck (R)
#65 Bridal Dreams (R)
#67 Breaking The Fall
#69 Melanie's Double Jinx
those tt hv got (R) means i've read them. those with (RG) means i;me reading them now. those wif nutin means hvn't touched.

Posted by girlosophy; at 9:07 PM

Friday, March 25, 2005
Survivor 2

OMG. the shooting reward challenge reward thing is SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOO cool! e jellyfish were so cool. reminded mi abt e jelly fish forest frm finding nemo. caryn deserves not 2 hit anithing. i can;t stand her. irritating lawyer. i tink in court she dun win ani cases cause she probly pisses e judge off. as 4 e immunity, james might bcum gay. fiddling wif his skirt when he could ighten more knots. so cocky until like tt. personally, i tink tt ulong could hv won, had it not been for girly james. serves him rite 2 get kicked out. i can't blieve this though - after 9 seasons of survivor (this is the tenth i tink), ulong has set a record - no tribe has been left wif onli 3 members b4.

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:45 PM

Great Unexpectaions

I tink tt this title is gd and it fits. woke up @ 10am and went 2 church from 11am - 1pm. SSSOOO LONG. the priest sounded like lao cokcok, so boring. mutter and mutter AND mutter AND mutter. then went 4 lunch @ CK Tang. ate tori-q (yum), jap food (yum again) and ice-cream, flavour - double chocolate (YUM!) then went 2 popular 2 by transparency pens 4 geog project (which i trusted only miself 2 do). and ordered harry potter 6. 2 b collected on july 16 when it comes out. (so sry shu, once again 4 not ordering 4 u) after tt, went 2 sambawang to buy vanessa carlton's harmonium and maroon 5's newest album - songs about jane. weird ... unusually gd day. on thurs also a gd dae. got 22/25 for science test. @ nite mi mum let mi watch tv ... blah blah blah ... pretty much let mi do wateva i want 4 e nite. (reward 4 science marks)
once in a life time chance

Posted by girlosophy; at 8:30 PM

Wednesday, March 23, 2005
To Be Or Not To Be

what i'm toking abt -- amazing race road block (23/03/05) ride a horse around the barrels in 40sec or less. Stoopid pplz hu bully and hurt e horse ...
Joyce - a. she kept her reins SSSOOO long it's a wonder if the horse can even feel the reins
b. kept on pulling the reins back, while kicking, WHILE yanking both reins outwards
Deana - a. complain queen. everything oso complain
b. has no idea wat legs r
c. complain tt her legs ached after trying twice at a WALK
Patrick - a. sissy guy hu has no strength
b. a 70 yr old guy beat him @ this

Posted by girlosophy; at 11:31 PM

Friday, March 18, 2005

hahas. ulong got lost whne they were coming back from tribal council. 2 bad 4 them. hu was that girl fooling around with gregg?? does she tink HE;S attractive?? ew. james is so annoying. i cna c why stef dun lyke him.OMG. @ koror, they showed a shark come onto shore to eat fish and i dun believe that no 1 tried to catch it. oh well. i guess they're not ridhard hatch. reward challenge - collect 6 so-kee bottles. stew and root beer reward. here's the catch - winning tribe dines @ tribal council. after voting sum 1 off, the winning team goes 2 e jury side and eat and listen to the other group's tribal council. interesting. v interesting. OMG. if koror dun win this, it'll b their 1st reward challenge they lose. ibrehem is such a sissy boy. reminds me of osten, tghe guy hu quit in anither season. i can't believe that. stef and angie are beta than that guy with muscles and all. tsk tsk tsk. so embarrassing. i say ian has a gd edge. he's a dolphin trainer. then again ... if he can't find the bottle ... i want koror to win. they work much beta as a team. so intense ... i'm up on the edge of my seat. ok. challenge is over. koror wins. hahas. i realli can't believe this. i dun think i've ever seen this before. 9 versus 5. going 2 b 8 versus 4. i tell u ... ibrehem is going O.U.T. sissy boy

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:04 PM

alexander the great??? more like alexander the ass

EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW. ok ... i juz watched alexander, u no ... e movie starring colin farrell, yesterday. and i have come to a very simple conclusion. IT SUX. big time. i dun understand how those reporters can rate it 5 STARS! it's horrible. but i'll give it one gd point ... lurve Bucephalus. he's a horse. a beautiful big black stallion. so fast. so strong ... aniwaiz, he's an Azteca (horse breed). let me tell u wat is INCREDIBLY sick about this show ...
1. scenes showing alexander and his 2nd wife roxanna doing IT are NOT, repeat NOT, censored.
2. i tink that alexander's best friend is GAY. why?? during one of their 6 yrs in india, his best friend was dancing wearing his under wear. ew. long hair sum more ... acting like a girl.
3. after his best friend finished dancing, alexander aka colin farrell K_S_ED him. the letters filling the blanks are 'I' and 'S'. ON THE LIPS.
4. during battle scenes, they actually SHOW the spears going through the bodies of the soldiers.
5. after the 1st battle scene, there were many injured and they showed some guy getting 'put to sleep' (in animal terms). actually you noe how they kill them to stop them from suffering?? they showed sum guy taking a dagger or nail (couldn't c properly) and using a hammer knocked the nail or dagger into the back of the guys neck. AND I WAS EATING LUNCH WHEN I SAW IT. lost my apitite straight away.
6. in the last battle scene, showed the spear going INTO Bucephalus's throat, flanks, shoulders and arrows piercing him. i dun care about alexander. serves him right that i spear went through his stomach. hv no idea how he even survived that. thank gdness bucephalus lived.
i tink that's enough to convince everyone hu reads this not to go watch it. @ e end of the movie, alexander went insane cause sum1 poisoned his gay best friend. he reminded me of the crazy steward guy/father of boromir and faromir from lord of the rings. got cross stitch to do 4 skool. gtg

Posted by girlosophy; at 12:09 PM

Thursday, March 17, 2005
many things

1st i'd like to say that ... MY COMPUTER IS TOTALLY UNPREDICTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's driving me absolutely nuts. sighz. sighz again. i wonder why i can't go 2 sheryl's (wong) blog?? if ur reading this cheryl, 'everytime' so ROX. lurve ur blog music. i watched amazing race yesterday, so sick. how in the wurld can they get pplz to eat those things. i would back out immediatel. can't wait 4 next week's episode. wonder wat they're supposed 2 do with the horses. personally, the horses are acting crazy cause they're receiving mixed up signals from their riders. i tink ron and kelly will hv no prob cause @ e start o every show, they always show e teams doin sumtin and it shows ron and kelly riding. so ... no prob 4 them. sighz ... i've g2g 2 tll (the learning lab) 2 dae cause i missed last last week's english class cause o e malacca trip. i dun c e point. serene ... if ur reading this, can u help me put music for my blog?? if web tunes hv, put 'paradise' by vanessa carlton. if dun hv, juz put everytime by either brit spears or simple plan. and as 4 HA-SHU, adiddas gurl, like ur blog, simple but cool.

Posted by girlosophy; at 12:09 PM

Wednesday, March 16, 2005
sighz ... bad dae

This is so crappy. i'm having a really BAD day. 1st, i made a mess of my blog and had 2 re-do everything, then i did sumtin to my picture of 1o of my friends (me included) and it disappears. SIGHZ. :\ so sad. and i still have 1 and a 1/2 more cross stitches to do for the over-fat hamster - mrs fernandez home ec teacher. ps. thx melissa for helping me with my cute lil tag board. i owe u 1.

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:18 PM

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

like the pic guys????? i'll upload more later if i have time. Posted by Hello

Posted by girlosophy; at 1:40 PM

wwwwooooooo hhhhhhhhoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

yea!!!!! i absolutely lurve my new blog skin. thank you cassandra. i owe u big time. this blog sking ROX!!!! lemme see if i can try and load pictures. if anyone noes how, juz leave me a note, kae?? :)

Posted by girlosophy; at 1:34 PM

..::malacca trip::..

MALACCA TRIP ROX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i had like the most fun i eva did in my life!!!!!!!! it was like so fun. i lurve e 1st dae e best. for lunch, we came up with 'forks up, spoons up, EAT!' which we did for e rest o e trip @ every meal time. then during dinner, we spun e lazee suzee and whoeva got e spoon pointed @ 'em had 2 eat veggies. hahaz. well ... let's juz say tt a lot o things happened and i dun realli hv time 2 put everything down now. so until next time.
ps ... i'll upload a picture next time when this thing is actually working poperly.

Posted by girlosophy; at 7:56 AM

January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007

aly wee.
2gy 06.
2sy 06.
2co 06.
2se 06.
2pe 06.
2gr 06.
1pe 05.
1co 05.
1se 05.
1gr 05.

amazing race 11.
prison break.
survivor 13.
survivor 14.