Wednesday, April 04, 2007

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. i'm SUPER pissed off. i cant believe cheng POSTPONED the geog test AGAIN. and to the day AFTER syf no less. he could have left it as tomorrow but NOOOOOO. he HAD to make things difficult for me karyn & zhao. ergh. so today's my free day but im too pissed off to enjoy it. i decided not to go for tuition today cos sectionals have to stay back til 5 so i have to fo on SATURDAY. pooooo. this sucks. so, here's the new STUPID schedule of mine for the rest of this week and next week. go and DIE.

3 apirl; tuesday go to school at 5pm for rehearsal at s.c.h and come back home at abt 10+
4 april; wednesday geog remedial til 3 then sectionals (probably)

5 april; thursday geog test (POSTPONED TO 12 APRIL)
6 april; friday GOOD FRIDAY, thank goodness
7 april; saturday come back to school from 9-12 for band prac
8 april; sunday mug for emaths, amaths, physics prac & bio prac
9 april; monday happy bday aly, spirit of the class competition (which im skipping), band
10 april; tuesday amaths test
11 april; wednesday physics prac (1st 2 periods), emaths test with 3gy(3rd period), leave for
band room at 11.20pm and then SYF
12 april; thrusday bio prac

this SUCKS. stupid poopooheads.

Posted by Serene(: at 8:46 PM

Thursday, March 22, 2007


okay. 3 words. i felt bored. anw, so i went on a lost avatar frenzy. i like these 3. actually i like others too but i can talk about these 3. =)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket right. to start off. nice and basic. though since its animated i cant use this as my msn pic

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket i THINK im going to use this though its the wrong "your"

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket hahaha. sawyer looks super spastic here. unlike his usual self. he's ususally seen smirking.

Posted by girlosophy; at 4:10 PM

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

argh. the post I was working on got deleted cos I CLOSED the freaking window. pfft. super pissing off. anw, gist of it was that ive finished reading in hiding AND on the road (the skate fanfics ive been addicted to for the past week or so) it ROCKS. i gave up reading “a felon and a con man” cos I don’t think its THAT good. nothing can beat IH & OTR. reading ‘Drawn Together’ now, yet ANOTHER skate fanfic. I want more kyro ones but its kinda limited. Im too lazy to put up the links for my youtube vids that we took when we were at bukit timah nature reserve. i might put it up later. depends on my mood.

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:58 PM

Monday, March 19, 2007

omgomgomg. SERENE CAI. You IDIOT. Why did you HAVE to announce to the WHOLE band that I have the hots for sawyer. ok fine. my whole section knows already plus you, plus jiahui plus (I think) zhao, karyn & amanda but STILL. what if next time I tell you something that isn’t MEANT TO BE TOLD and you BLURT it out. i’ll kill you. i swear. its not a matter of telling the whole band that I like sawyer it’s the matter of that you announced something to the WHOLE WORLD. i’m actually okay with the fact that you blared it out. truth be told, im rather nonchalant/neutral/ “bo chap” abt the whole thing. imagine if im alex. i think I’ll be HATING serene’s guts by now. haha. luckily, im NOT alex. i should have shrieked back that serene’s in LOVE with johari. was too busy hissing at jiahui (who btw did NOTHING but sit there like the blur pok she is) to shut serene up. i think im done complaining now.

Posted by girlosophy; at 10:59 PM

maybe next time I DON’T tell her who I like. but heck, everyone knows that’s NOT going to happen cos the whole world KNOWS what a big mouth I have. a good example. Percs section. the sec2s were telling me today of how normal their talking level used to be, at least until I came. after I showed up, apparently the whole section became rowdy. note that during the last TWO band camps, the percs table is usually the one making the most noise.

Im done. I wanna read fanfic now/look for my shows online to watch
Oh wait. I just realized that my post WASN’T wiped out. its below this. heehee

Posted by girlosophy; at 11:20 AM

Sunday, March 18, 2007

im in a GOOD mood. i finished reading in hiding & on the road. FINALLY. so now i wont be so addicted to fanfic. until i find another skate/kyro fanfic to occupy my time. im now reading a skate fanfic just for the hell of it. its not AS good as the previous ones of skate that ive read (the ones i read were sequels) the good thing abt it though is that its not AS explicit as the other 2. get the hint? but after reading them im even MORE convinced that they should be together. there should be NO existence of jate (jack & kate) at ALL. btw, just watch phantom of the opera. it ROCKS man. super drama. =) cant wait to see how the chandelier falls at the esplanade.

vids from bukit timah nature reserve; geog proj
lost in the jungle

the others are coming

there's one more but i havent uploaded yet. so til next time then

Posted by girlosophy; at 7:01 PM

Thursday, March 15, 2007


  1. during madrigalum, i played my cymbals wrongly at bar 10 or something like that and said SHIT super loudly that practically the whole band could hear. and the good thing was that they started laughing. what can i say. percs are COMIC RELIEF. we provide entertainment
  2. i was wearing my PURPLE peerleading shirt then it had the words "call me" in front. so when mr yap saw it during band prac, he went "brenda, can i have your number? call me." i was like ERRR and nearly dropped the cymbals la. i bet i was gapping with my mouth WIDE open while the cogs in my brain were like trying to absorb & understand what the hell was going on la. i only got it when jeanette started pointing to my shirt -.- note: it was too early in the morning to think

Posted by girlosophy; at 5:39 PM

li>when we attempted night safari, my bass drum beat was like a bit off from mr yap's so he said to look at the stick and after an afterthought, added "who's your favourite actor" and paused. (as if i would answer him la. i think i would have said i have none) i bet after i went er er and er once more he was like nvm la. so he went on "pretend the face is stuck to the stick" omg. then i looked over to the flutes and saw dear serene bent over with laughter (note: it's not lancelot anymore, i prefer sawyer now) and jiahui was like mouthing "sawyer" and i nodded back trying not to laugh la. omg. that was like my FIRST reaction when mr yap asked me that. like the name sawyer just popped into my head. luckily im not stupid enough to answer him.

    and HA.HA.HA. yanny likes MATURE men. we just found out today and i cant believe jiahui believed me when i told her the toilet was leaking. when she was inside, i threw water into the cubicle. blur and gullible thats what its called.

    Posted by girlosophy; at 4:50 PM

    Wednesday, March 14, 2007

    i forgot ALL about this. i cant believe it. ive been wanting to put this up for a long time. (ps. ive given up on the obs pics cos its just too many)


    kyro (kitty pryde & pyro, xmen)
    The Difference Between
    The Boy Who Destroyed The World
    Make This Last

    note: Make This Last is the sequel to The Boy Who Destroyed The World. it's not completed but good to read all the same. my fave is the difference between

    skate (sawyer & kate; lost)
    Of Love and Shadow
    In Hiding
    On The Road

    note: On The Road is the sequel to In Hiding. all stories are completed. my fave is of love and shadow.

    happy reading

    Posted by girlosophy; at 11:37 AM

    hello people. im BACK from band camp. i must say i expected it to be way tougher than i thought it was but it was okay. (except when jasmine came back when we were having sectionals on day2 and scared to crap out of us) omg and that stupid thing abt what u want to achieve during this band camp thing. we HAD to put down be masters of rhythm and to learn 5 rudiments. we had those words thrown back in our faces countless times by kelly la. though the band kept laughing at it and face it, the perc section was comic relief. plus all the sec3s didnt bother bathing on day1 cos it was like only 1 day. after obs, not bathing for 1 day doesnt seem that bad. oooh. night activity. ha. elyn was saying how relaxed i looked during the thing cos we were led around the school blindfolded and i was like slouching against the wall and talking to her as compared to jeanette who was gripping yanny's shoulders super tightly. HAHA. note: i go down the stairs with no light every night so going down stairs blindfolded is no prob. i have TRAINED my feet to help me go down the stairs light-less. =) btw, we're still trying to figure out who was the polka-dotted person beatrice did the thing errr... ok. u know when u make a 'two' with your fingers u stick up ur indes & middle figure and the rest are like touching in the middle? the super cheenah thing? ya, well she did that and we're trying to figure out who that was.

    Posted by girlosophy; at 11:16 AM

    January 2005
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    aly wee.
    2gy 06.
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    1pe 05.
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    amazing race 11.
    prison break.
    survivor 13.
    survivor 14.